There MUST be another use for this poor whisk!

So last night I was cooking another bachelor meal (in this case, a pile 'o mashed potatoes with a can of nuked corn dumped on top… hey, I was tired, and it was actually pretty good! And even sort of healthy-like!). Now, in my tiny little dorm room, I have very limited cooking facilities (a microwave oven, a “blue-star”[sup]what Koreans call a small, portable camping gas stove…[/sup], and a toaster-oven) so I don’t do a lot of involved cooking here… mostly soups, chili, and assorted easy bachelor-chow[sup]TM[/sup] things…

So anyways, back to the topic at hand: After I boiled the 'taters until they were soft, I turned on the nuker to heat the corn, drained off the water from the potatoes, added a little milk, black pepper, and garlic salt… then I reached in the drawer and extracted my whisk.

Now, understand that this particular whisk means a lot to me! I bought it about 3 years ago on a whim… I was browsing through the grocery store near the dorm one day after procuring the usual groceries (beer and fruit loops). I like to do this on occasion, because you can find some really weird crap in Korean grocery stores! I have seen several items that to this day I cannot identify… (one day I will drag Astrogirl to the store and keep her there for a few hours answering questions). So, I was browsing: Hey! I have never seen that vegetable before in my life! What is it? What the hell is THAT? It looks like a cross between a back scratcher and a toilet brush… And looky there! It’s a handle with 6 or 7 razor blades sticking out of it! Must be some kind of vegetable slicer… Suddenly: Hey! A whisk! I didn’t have a whisk… Of course, I threw it into the basket post-haste! After all, I knew what it was, and I didn’t have one! I mean, come on! I’m only human!

‘OK,’ you are thinking, ‘so what? Why is this dumb whisk so important to Astroboy? Why haven’t I clicked out of this dumb story and gone to a more interesting and socially relevant thread?’

I’ll tell you why the whisk is so important to me: when I went through the check-out, the cashier was a BABE! AND when she got to the whisk, it caught on the edge of the basket as she pulled it out. The whisk slipped out of her hand, and fell to the floor on her side of the counter. As she bent over to pick it up, I got a really nice view down the front of her shirt!

What can I tell you? I’m a guy… the whisk is important to me.:wink:

So anyways, I cooked dinner last night, threw the dishes into the sink, and went about my business.

This morning as I stood over the sink, yawning, scratching, and preparing to make coffee, I glanced into the sink… and there was my whisk, mournfully looking back at me with tiny gobbets of mashed potatoes festooning it’s wires…

A faint “Why?” seemed to float on the breeze which would have existed had the window been open, which it wasn’t so there was no breeze, but let’s ignore that for the sake of the story, shall we?

I looked at the whisk, lying there in the sink, amongst the detritus of several days of bachelor meals (I’ve been REALLY frigging busy for the past several weeks, and hygiene has taken a back seat for the moment… after all, underwear has TWO sides, am I right guys? Guys??). A drop of water clung to one of the whisk’s wires like an accusing teardrop… and it occurred to me that I have owned this whisk for about three years, and in all that time I HAVE NEVER USED IT FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN MAKING MASHED POTATOES!



Suddenly I felt really guilty!

This, MY whisk, must be the most under-utilized utensil in the world! I don’t make mashed potatoes often, so I have used the poor whisk, at a guess, maybe 5 times!

I feel like a heel!

Guiltily, I finished getting the coffee on, took a shower, dressed, gulped a cup of said coffee, and went to work… all day long the whisk was on my mind! Not good, as the work TTT and I are doing requires 8 straight hours of intense concentration while we sift through a 1200 page document; proofreading, editing, etc. before it goes to the publisher…

So, I turn to you, my fellow Dopers, in desperation! What else can I do with my poor whisk? It’s (I believe) suffering there in the drawer between the infrequent times when I make mashed potatoes… it’s lonely, unused, and depressed! Help!
BTW: before anyone goes there, earlier tonight Astrogirl and I were, shall we say, getting friendly on the bed when I had a sudden idea, and leapt up to seize the whisk from the dish-drainer thingy, where you put the dishes to dry (Astrogirl did the dishes while I showered after work…), I was shut down immediately, however, when Astrogirl said, “Whatever you have in mind, forget it!”:frowning: Sorry, whisk, I tried…

So, any ideas? My poor whisk needs help!


Omelets - Staples of bachelor cuisine. Use your whisk to scramble the eggs and mix in anything you’d like. BTW, Gummi Bears are not recommended for use in omelets. Neither are Sour Patch Kids. Trust me.

Brownies - Use the whisk to stir brownie mix. In doing so, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless any Doper who hints at adding natural herbs to the brownies for added effect.

Pancakes - Once again, use the whisk to stir the mix. I recommend using Bisquik. Then you don’t have to screw around with any other ingredients, other than milk and eggs. Also, chocolate chips and blueberries mixed in with the batter are awesome.

All good suggestions! Thanks THespos! Except for a few things :smiley: :

I’m all for the “natural herbs” in the brownies… but I can’t GET any “natural herbs” here (which would make living in Korea much more palatable…), also, I don’t have an oven to cook brownies in!:frowning:

The eggs are good, though… except in Korean stores, eggs are NOT refrigerated! They’re just sitting there, stacked in a corner… I can’t look at them without thinking “salmonella”… I don’t like salmonella (feel free to call me weird…)

Pancakes… oy! I think I started another thread about pancakes recently (and I didn’t use the whisk! I used a fork! I don’t know why…)

I use a whisk to get lumps out of thicker soups, like tomato or cream of anything while I’m heating it. Whisks can also be useful when incorporating honey into butter. I’ve even used a whisk to make hot chocolate. [sub]I’m trying to keep my suggestions to “bachelor” type foods here, so I’ll venture a guess you don’t make burre blanc or hollandaise sauces much[/sub] I suppose you could always use it to mix dishwashing soap with water and make your own bubble solution to charm Astrogirl with a Lawrence Welk-type room full of bubbles.

Whipped Cream.

Whipped melted Butter

Its also necessary for making home made prozac.

Anything that needs to be mixed can be whisked. (And about the eggs… as long as they are no more than 3 days old they shouldn’t kill you. Not outright anyway. You’re supposed to leave your eggs on the counter anyway. They whip up fluffier for omlettes and scrambled eggs.) Eggs, batter (of many kinds), potatoes (like you do), paint, whatever. (I’m going to say right here, before anyone can bust my chops over it, use a different whisk for paint than you do for your food.) Whisks are also usefull for whipping the bubbles back up in your… we’ll say “kid’s”… kid’s bubble bath.

May your Magic Boobie Whisk see much use.

(my TM added in for affect)

If I use the MBW[sup]TM[/sup], will it make my boobies lighter and fluffier?

Actually, you can make brownies in the microwave.

How about instant pudding? Just add milk, powder, wisk and chill.

…and as for mashed potato based meals… my favorite treat to myself is instant mashed potatoes that has had canned salmon and fresh mushrooms cooked in the heating milk before the potato flakes are added. It’s the most delicious thing ever!

Do you realize how badly I wanted to post: “I don’t know. Why don’t we get together sometime, and find out.”?

But I won’t. Hijacking a thread for frivolous flirting is just beneath us all.

Oh. To make this a legitimate post…
Another thing you can do with a whisk is… I got nothin’… wait… oh the heck with it… try to make BunnyGirl’s boobies lighter and fluffier. (But I don’t feel good about myself for posting this. Sorry Astroboy.)


Apologies to Tommy the Cat, but I love the sig and I couldn’t resist.

You are absolutely correct, Rue.

So, I guess I need to actually answer the OP, don’t I?:stuck_out_tongue:

You can use the whisk to whip milk and Hershey’s syrup (or the local Korean equivalent) to make chocolate milk .

A whisk is good for anything you need to incorporate air into for texture’s sake.

And from this thread, Pessor says:

(My bolding)

See? I really don’t gratuitously hijack every thread I’m in!

Crème Brûlée

Serves 8

1 3/4 cups heavy cream
1 3/4 cups milk
1/2 vanilla bean (split)
7 egg yolks
2 whole eggs
1/2 cup sugar
Brown sugar

Combine heavy cream, milk and vanilla bean. Heat to boil. Remove from heat and steep 10 minutes with vanilla bean. Scrape bean seeds into the milk mixture.

With a WHISK, combine eggs and sugar thoroughly. Add the milk mixture in a steady stream. Strain mixture through a fine strainer. Skim foam.

Divide into 8 small ramekins (about 5 ozs each) set in baking dish and pour enough hot water around ramekins to come 1/2 way up the sides. Place in 325o oven for approximately 25-30 minutes, until just set (trembles slightly).

Cover top with brown sugar. Caramelize under broiler.

Best served cold, IMHO.


I hereby post a new non-food related entry:

Ever have a TV that just gets bad reception? Ever accidentally lop off part of your antenna? Ever want to mount that whisk somewhere where it would be publicly displayed and useful?

Ever want to look like a complete bachelor?

Well here’s your chance! Amazing as it may seem, that twisted, curvy hunk of metal in your hand can actually serve as an extension on your home television! And what’s more, due to it’s size, you won’t poke your eye on the antenna everytime you reach behind your TV!

I’m telling ya. Either stick a wire into that hollow antenna or duct tape it on. It’ll help your reception.

I’m full of ideas. Really, I am . . .

WHAT??? No you can’t! [sup]Can you? HOW??[/sup]

No… you can’t… it can’t be! [sub]Can you?[/sub]

No. I have lived here for going on six years without po… er, um… REGULAR OLD PLAIN brownies! And you can’t make them in the microwave![sup]CAN you?[/sup]:confused:

No. You can’t. It’s not possible you big tease!:mad:

Instant pudding is good, but I can’t buy it anywhere but at the black market store (stuff that is being illegally sold on the economy from the U.S. Army base) and the price would raise your hair! $8 for a box of Lucky Charms!!:eek:

My TV gets great reception… I have cable (the University installed it a few months ago: 40 channels of crap I can’t understand… Korean waytoofastforme!, Chinese, Japanese, BBC [sup]well, OK, if I concentrate I can get most of that… but who wants to concentrate? I’m American, dammit![/sup], German, French, and one lonely channel of friendly American pablum…), so that idea is out…

What the hell is Creme Brulee (with all the weird accents and funny hats!)? [sup]Astroboy unwittingly exposes his lower middle-class roots…[/sup]

Oh, and Bunny… I just tried, and the MBW[sup]TM[/sup] does NOT make one’s boobies lighter or fluffier… sorry. It DOES, however, make one’s nipples tingle if you do it right:D!

I’m gonna try it out on Astrogirl again tomorrow… maybe if I get her drunks first and promise to tingle her… hmmm…

Or maybe if I got her DRUNK first… that might work even better!:wink:

Just a question…

WHY does your poor whisk have to have another use? Maybe it’s actually CONTENT being a mashed potato whisk. After all, I do not use my toilet brush for anything other than the toilet.

Just a thought.

… and fails miserably at. Awesome stuff.


Vidi Vici Veni!

I don’t have an answer to that… it just feels wrong that the poor whisk has only one purpose in life. After all, it is NOT a toilet brush, doomed to life beneath the bathroom sink (when it is not being used for it’s main, disgusting, job). It’s a whisk! Custom made to assist in the preparation of delicious gourmet dishes for the gustatorial delight of it’s master(s)… in this case, I guess that would be me and Astrogirl[sup]but she has no taste… she likes SEAFOOD! Ugh![/sup]!

I just know that the poor whisk feels unappreciated and lonely…

And, O, I will have to try to find some of this creamy brulet of which you speak… I’ll let you know if I find it (doubtful in Seoul…).

This will tell you what to do.

Astro~ It is pronounced kremm brew-lay. And it is French, so it should not be that hard to find french cuisine in Seoul.