There's a Critter in My Fireplace!!

He’s kinda trapped there now. What’s the best way to safely get rid of him? I have a pair of heavy gloves and various tools. I also have some firearms, but that seems a bit excessive. Any thoughts? Should I hire a professional?

I’m not sure what it is – perhaps a small squirrel.

So the critter escaped and started hanging out in our living room. I was gonna go for my .22, but Mrs. Lucwarm called the police which didn’t seem quite right to me. Anyway, the police came by and helped me chase the critter out. It was a little embarrassing for me, since I could have chased the thing out myself.

Oh well.

You shoulda had an auto de fe.

[Ernest T. Bass] "Light the fire, smoke “im out. Jab at 'im with that stick real good” [/ETB]

Oh wait. That’s how you get a possum out from under a rock.

Never mind.

Gah…Yea, that’s always a bit unsettling. I’ve had bats fly out of my fireplace! Then the darlings flew up to our bedroom. As I recall, that was a long night.

At least the fire wasn’t burning – just listen to ‘Squirrel Cop’ from This American Life: Page is here. RealAudio here.

Ah, the zestful joys of House Critter Chases!
Wouldn’t ya just know, in my cavernous Victorian house a bat gained entry–not through the attic or chimneys–but by squirming through a microscopic gap in a wood frame window. And I LIKE bats, but just not flapping through my bedroom.
The dog, who’s terrified of the doorbell but ferociously defends the hometead against finches, robins and the stray cardinal, went into full attack mode. Axe murderers? Hoo-kay. Things with wings? Dire threats.
And so passed a rollicking interlude while I stumbled, panting, around the house, flailing away with trash cans and not the least idea what I’d do if I actually caught the critter. This was between mindless spasms trying to remember the location of 1.) an old badminton racquet and 2.) the dog’s rabies vaccination chart.

I finally opened a door and the poor panicked bat fled outside.

It wasn’t my finest moment but betcha if I’d called the cops they’d have been just as stymied, even if they’d laughed themselves sick afterwards. Harumph.

HA! I was looking for that link while waiting for this page to load. I spent 10 minutes in my car in my parents’ driveway waiting for that bit to end; my family thought I was nuts. :smiley: