But our balcony is 15 feet up from the ground.
How in the *hell * did he get up here?
But our balcony is 15 feet up from the ground.
How in the *hell * did he get up here?
Ninja cat.
Ewwwwwww feels ill
Poor mouse. Did he get a proper funeral?
How far above you is the next balcony?
Maybe the poor thing just couldn’t take the burden of life any more.
He flung his tiny self off an upper balcony after the mousey femme of his affections didn’t return his love.
Awww…poor mousey.
I once saw a mouse (trying to get away from my cat) climbing up a brick wall.
I don’t think he got higher than about 5 feet before I plucked him off and gently tossed him over the fence. (That was back in the day when I showed mice a bit more mercy.)
Bird of prey, maybe.
And they do climb, inside walls at least.
Our balcony has a roof over it, covering the whole thing. I mean, I suppose a bird of prey could have dropped it at an angle, but still. That’s probably the best bet.
There are no balconies above us.
The poor thing froze to death. When the fiance comes home tomorrow he gets to remove it. I fill up my own tires with air, changed my own headlight today, kill bugs with no grief, but I am not picking up a dead mouse for some reason. Eew.
Thursday night, I noticed that my dogs were very interested in the back of my pantry. I checked it out, and found mouse droppings. On Friday morning, I caught site of one of the little furry bastards.
So I went out and bought a few traps, and put them on the floor of the pantry. Not fifteen minutes later, I heard it snap. Sure enough, there it was- one dead mouse. Dammit, why do they have to be so cute? I kept looking at it and thinking, “I can see why some people keep 'em as pets.”
Then, another one about ten minutes later. I put a few more traps in there.
Saturday morning, I had three more dead rodentia. :eek:
Saturday at noon, yet another. I had to go buy another set of traps.
Saturday night, another one.
This morning, and the tally is up to eight. Holy crap!
I’m from Houston. I’m used to dealing with roaches. I’ve never had a mouse problem before!
“I caught sight”, not “site”. Stupid internet. :smack:
is a dead mouse on the balcony better than a dead bishop on the landing?
(sorry, but I havent made a monty python joke for ages, and I just sorta lost control. Carry on.)
Buy the resettable type of trap. Much more cost effective in the long run.
You get kind of blase about handling defunct mice after a while, particularly if you live in an ancient Colonial with a basement that is porous to rodents and have a cat who likes to bring them up from the basement and play with them in the bedroom at 3AM. After a while, you just get the habit of waking up in the morning, scanning the floor for corpses and flinging them out the bathroom window.