"There's a girl I adore and I'm longing to see..." Anyone remember the rest?

This is, to the best of my recollection from an old commercial for Eat-More candy bars. It featured a bunch of miners, or cowboys sitting around a shack listening to the record. One of them unfolds a picture of a woman, and wipes away a tear. The record skips, but none of them really seem to care much.

I was wondering if anyone knew the lyrics to the whole song and who sings it??

The cadence sounds like Ricky Nelson’s Travellin Man, but if that’s the case the words are incorrect. Are you sure those are the lyrics?

I have this very vague recollection that there’s a line in there about the “beautiful Yoho Valley” AFAIK, Eat-more was a Western Canada phenomenon, so this seems like it’s the right geographic kinda place.

It’s weird, I haven’t seen that commercial in about 15 years but I knew exactly what commercial you were talking about in about 2 seconds.

the skipping part was a yodel, no?

Yes Miss Gretchen I believe there was a yodel.

Duh, I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before…
Try contacting CKUA radio http://www.ckua.com Those guys have an astonishing catalogue of music and music experts. IIRC, they have pretty much every piece of recorded music that they have acquired in the last 75 years or so.
The commercial was pretty well known around these parts (Alberta) and I’d imagine that someone there would know exactly what you are talking about.
Good Luck!

I could not find anything on the net that has that line of a song, are you sure that is the exact line? Its not Someone to Watch Over Me?

Nope, it’s very much not Someone to Watch Over Me. I remember that song, that commercial, very clearly.

And now, it’s running through my head. Agh!

Ginger, honey, I feel your pain. It was in my head too all afternoon. How can a song be in your head for hours but you still can’t make out any words???