I don’t want to spoil the movie for people who haven’t seen it, but if you want a movie that will scare the crap out of you, go see 28 Days Later. I’m not going to rehash the plot or even use a spoiler box because the damn trailer gives away too much already.
Intelligent script
Great acting, especially by the actress playing Selina
More gore
Hot full frontal and rear nudity (male)
Even more gore
It was shot in digital video, which is vastly inferior to film.
The epilogue–but I won’t say why until later
I agree with you on all counts except this one. I thought the use of digital video added to the atmosphere of the film, making everything that much more dreary and post apocalypse-y.
It was an excellent, excellent movie. Scary and smart, drawing on classic zombie pics (the grocery store scene and the scene where they get gas for the car are very reminiscent of Dawn of the Dead) while using very cool cinematography (the jump cuts and use of shadow) and what are problably the scariest fucking “zombies” ever.
This really cannot be said enough. Cillian Murphy (Jim) is gorgeous.
I think I’ll have to pick up the soundtrack, too. It was phenomenal. I can’t say enough good things about this movie. See it now!