Two of the quotes I find especially amusing from the article are "Watson “has just been pushed to the edge,” she added. “I wouldn’t say he’s a crazy person.”
“He must be experiencing some problems of which we are not aware,” Mayo said.
The link was to the story in this morning’s Washington Post. Here’s an update. He was still there during morning rush hour, and streets (notably Constitution Avenue) were still blocked off, according to the traffic report.
There are many times when I’m glad I don’t commute downtown. This is one of them.
Oh, for the love of Pete. This guys is still out there . The park police (not to mention commuters) have got to be getting pretty tired of this by now.
According to RTF’s link, he surrendered when ATF agents approached. If what they were wearing indicated that they were ATF, or they identified themselves as such, that speaks volumes. No one is going to mess with ATF.
Will he face a charge appropriate to the trouble he caused by rerouting traffic? Public nuisance or something? I mean, of all the times when people in D.C. needed to get where they were going and do what they had to do…
I will say, though, that this also reflects well on D.C. police. They dealt with basically two high-pressure situations at once: this, and the eve-of-war scenario, and they handled it without a misstep. Kudos.