There's no fucking Vegemite.

Looking for a late-night snack, I bunged a couple of bits of bread in the toaster…got the butter out for the initial spread, and then found there’s NO FUCKING VEGEMITE to appease my salty need!

I tell you what…there’s nothing more apt to send me into a morose depression than not finding a jar of vegemite on the shelf!


That’s why I always keep a 2.5 kilo tub of vegemite on hand to minimize the risk of running out (ordered over the internet, it’s the only way to get it in the US).

I also have an emergency backup jar of promite, in case things get really desperate. Fortunately they haven’t yet.

It’s not like there’s a shortage.

Yeah well boo hoo. I am an Aussie and I can’t eat Vegemite because it now gives me gout. THERE IS NO GOD!!!

You should be glad there is no Vegemite. Now you have room in your cupboard for the real old stuff: Marmite.

Depending how you do it, that might appease your salty need.

Is that even legal?

Vegemite is real? I thought it was made up for the song…

Kind of like unicorns and the female orgasm.

Whew! Sorry for your loss, kambuckta, but I’m relieved to find that the Vegemite deficiency is confined to an individual cupboard. I came in here a little worried about the prospect that there might be no more Vegemite at all.

Off to MPSIMS.

Hear! Hear!

(Marmite on toast; Marmite gravy, Marmite hot drinks :D)

She’s craving salt, not sugar.

I approached Marmite with an open mind. Truly, I did. I’d eat it in an emergency, and I’d say it’s better than Promite - but that’s not saying a lot.

Edited to add: Vegemite withdrawals are really, really nasty. And I’m only half joking. I made a mercy dash to the servo just last week, late at night, to pick up an overpriced and tiny jar.

I’ve got a fairly large jar (250 g I think) in my kitchen cupboard here in Ohio, which I eat from time to time. Unfortunately, it’s hard to get Saos or Vitaweats to go with it, so I eat it pretty slowly. (It’s about 8 years old, proving conclusively that Vegemite never ever goes off, as long as you keep the lid on to stop it going dry).

You must be eating a radically different Marmite than I am. No sugar in it.

Well I know what I’m having for breakfast. :slight_smile:

You might have me there - it’s the New Zealand version.

Don’t bother TLD, they have absolutely no idea.

Fnord! :smiley:

I just got done checking out the wikipedia article and it seems there is a New Zealand version of Marmite with sugar in it. The One True Marmite is sold there, and in Australia I guess, as “Our Mate” to avoid infringing on the New Zealand maker’s license for the name. What could have possessed them to mess with the original recipe?

Well hell, I’ve always wanted to try the stuff but now I’m not so sure. After a year or so of eating fresh cherrys, drinking cherry juice, sucking down anything with the words “antioxidant” on it and watching my protien intake I can finally eat an occational order of fried chicken livers & gizzards without searing pain in parts of my body that have nothing to do with my digestive tract. The previously afflicted toe still pops and cracks like dried wood though (ahh, the almost undescribable pleasure of starting to feel the gout coming in and cracking the toe before it gets good and set. More of a crunchy ripping sound really. Kind of like relief from pain that hasn’t happened yet).

I don’t suppose Vegemite would be any worse than the chickey guts though. Now if I can just figure out where to get some (there’s Marmite in a couple of grocery stores around here but I’ve always heard it’s more like Vegemite’s annoying little brother).