So someone on the right finally suggested that “American decadence” might have something to do with the country’s unpopularity in the Muslim world. He didn’t mean using huge amounts of the world’s resources; nor the government’s arbitrarily detaining Muslims; nor the Army’s invading Muslim countries. It’s not even Desperate Housewives or Janet Jackson’s boob. It’s because those awful gay people are trying to get married.
Oh, that’s fucking nice, isn’t it? Why is it that the only thing that could possibly make some US conservatives think even for a second about “American decadence” is when it involves Queer people trying to have a bit of freedom?
(And you’ll love the context this came in: Knight is saying that the Abu Ghraib scandal is the fault of allowing “homosexuals to stay in the barracks.” Right.)
You know, sometimes I get accused of making everything about gay people. Well, a lot of the time I don’t need the help. The only time he cares about the poor mullahs and their offended sensibilities is when it’s fags and dykes.
I see this all over the place: we’re the big exception. We make Liberals turn conservative; we make otherwise sane people consider the Notwithstanding Clause; we appall moviegoers who can deal with brutal decapitations; we make schools cancel all their extracurricular programs to keep gay kids from having theirs; we make minorities forget about minority rights, the Anglicans drop their teacups and go into hysterics, and orthodox Muslims and orthodox Jews finally agree about something in Jerusalem. We’re the Apple of Discord. It’s all about us.
Well, fuck you, Robert Knight. I’m sure you’d love it if all American queers were forced back in the closet. I guess we’d get to be the big exception in the “not one inch of American freedom to placate the terrorists.” I’m sure it would make the terrorists very happy, indeed.
C’mon, cut the poor man a little slack. In the middle east, religious fundamentalists get to kill thousands of people everytime someone violates one of their rules. You can imagine how jealous the religious fundamentalists in this country must be.
So they blew them up and turned them into two holes. Proving once again that while gay men may make some people uncomfortable, everybody’s okay with lesbians.
Full civil rights. This includes gays in the military, gay marriages, gay couples at high school proms, national health insurance, AUDS research and education, and anything else we can think of that will terrify Pat Robertson.
We want our national anthem to have a 25-minute dance version.
I think that’s very reasonable."
I’d like to see this joker reconcile the following. It is not as if there are no homosexuals in muslim countries. I do not know but I’d wager the percentage of the population that are homosexual in those countries are the same as they are here. The difference being the considerably more draconian tactics in many muslim countries to oppress homosexuals.
OK, my browser has choked, and every time I hit “back” I return to this thread. I’m finally taking that as a sign that I should say something. Um, problem is, I have nothing to say. Let me think…
OK, how’s this: There is not a dimes worth of difference between the American Christian mullahs and the Middle Eastern Islamic mullahs. The goal of both is to maintain 10th century values throughout the entire world, and for the entire world to accept that they are the only people allowed to have anything to say about those values.
Everytime civilization advances two steps, it get dragged back one by these creatures. Just keep fighting for the next two steps, that’s all.
Bush works out, runs a few miles every day, in great shape for a man his age. He’s reasonably handsome. He’s well dressed, kind of has a businessman-by-day, cowboy-by-night thing going on. Good hair. He’d make an excellent homo.
Heyyy, maybe that’s why his National Guard service ended on such vague terms!