There's something in my eye! Any tips welcome!

Normally I’d just be patient and let it sort itself out, but I’ve been trying to get it out for the past two hours, and it’s driving me crazy. I have tried:[ul][li]blinking like crazy[]keeping my eye open[]keeping my eye closed[]dropping water on my eye[]drying my eye out with an electric fan[]standing under the shower stream[]poking at it with a plastic brush bristle.[/ul]It hurts a lot when I lay on my back, but it’s okay when I sit or stand. I can’t see it in the mirror, so I guess it must be pretty far up in my upper eyelid. I don’t know. I tried searching online for tips, but the results for “something in my eye” were less than helpful.[/li]
Please? :frowning:

resumes jabbing eyeball with tiny piece of plastic

Quit the friggin’ poking and go to a doctor. You DON’T want to fuck up your eye. Silly. Now go make that appointment.

Its a lot easier for someone else to spot it, and get it out for you. So I’d advise you get a friend round and ask them to help.
I have something in my eye too, oh wait. Its my contact lens. (Sorry, cudn’t resist) :slight_smile:

They sell eye wash kits at drug stores. Go get one. Better yet, have someone else go get one for you.

Thanks everyone for the quick responses!

I know what I want, and it rhymes with “This godawful thing out of my pie.”

As it turns out, I don’t have any friends, so I’ll try the eye wash kit first. Thanks again!

Go to the doctor. If it’s been scratching around in there this long, it isn’t just gonna pop out. Scratched cornea, infection, all that.

I got a sliver of rust in my eye when I was a kid. Left it in too long, thinking it would come out and had to end up making several trips to an eye specialist. Not fun.

Since then I have had to go to the doctor a few times to get metal slivers out of my eye (industrial situation and I had safety glasses and a face shield, sometimes it just happens) and infection is always the top concern.

If it IS metal, and you catch it in the first few seconds, a powerful rare-earth magnet can pull the metal out without even touching the eye. Of course this only works on ferrous metals, I also did some aluminum, stainless, brass, etc. and the magnet didn’t work then.

Please go to a doctor.

Okay, three applications of the eye wash solution didn’t have any noticable effect. I guess I’ll try again, and then call a physician.

Thank you very much. Despite my apparent panic, I’m not in any pain. I also doubt that it’s a metal sliver. I didn’t realize how serious this might be. Thanks again. Wish me luck.

If you value your sight you’ll go to a doctor.


Seriously, your eyes are no place to develope your skills as a ‘do-it-yourselfer’.

If you can’t see well enough to see it or fish it out, what makes you believe you will do anything but more harm with a wash kit?

You probably have a scratched cornea.
You actually poke at your eye with a brush bristle?

I really hope you’ve taken the sage advice here of ‘Go to a Doctor!’

Really now… what is it with men and self diagnosis/treatment/mutilation? :slight_smile:

Go to the Doctor! You will be glad you did. Think of the relief.

You can even go to an optometrist for help with this. If they don’t feel like fooling with it, they will refer you elsewhere.

Okay, thanks again, everybody, but I am going to the doctor, like I said. My appointment is in 30 minutes.

Ahhh, wonderful. Of course, now you don’t need my two cents, but I side with herman_and_bill in that whatever it was, it probably also scratched your cornea. A scratched cornea feels pretty much like there’s still something in your eye. I experienced that joy in high school - eye glitter, anyone?
So…what’d the doctor say?

Thank you one more time to everybody who responded, especially lovelyluka, Mariemarie, tanookie, herman_and_bill, elbows, Duke of Rat, JuanitaTech, AngelicGemma, and Kalhoun. I went to the physician and I am fine now.

Let me tell you my problem is not that I’m pig-headed about not going to the doctor; I’m just naive. I’ve had sand stuck in my eye before which came out fine on its own, and I’ve never heard of a scratched cornea before. I really didn’t know it could be very serious. And once I realized that, I don’t have a problem with being medically examined; it’s all that other stuff that you have to do to see a doctor. I have to memorize lots of stuff I don’t care about, like my height and whether I’m allergic to anything, and what a co-pay is, and what my co-pay is. And you have to make an appointment, which I hate. In the end, I spent 15 minutes in the doctor’s office, and 2½ hours getting there. I’m glad I did it, of course, but it is difficult for me.

Anyway, the doctor peeled my eye open and looked around and didn’t see anything. I don’t know what he did, but whatever it is fell out while he was poking around in there, so it was really as simple as that. He dyed my eye yellow just to be sure it wasn’t a corneal break or anything. And, as an added bonus, I now know my blood pressure is 126 over 66.

Oh, and just a tip. If you ever find yourself in the position of having to tell a guy, “Now whatever you do keep your eye open while I violently grab your eyelid and secure it with this cotton swab,” and he has trouble doing what you tell him, try not to get too upset at him, huh?

I am glad everything turned out ok :slight_smile:

Having people touch my eyes is not the highlight of my day either but it sure beats ignoring something important and ending up with vision problems.

126/66 eh… I’m jealous :slight_smile:

I recently got over a bout of blephoritis, Archernar. Having a doc poke around in your eye is not my idea of fun. I suspect I’m in the majority here.

I’m glad everything worked out for you.

Glad to hear your eye is all better. :slight_smile:

It seems to me that I had seen a program on T.V. (not sure if it was Ripley’s Believe It Or Not) that had a woman in another country that had her own way of removing objects from the eyes of the native villagers. She would put her mouth up to the eye and lick the object out. Rolling her tongue quickly over the eye, back and forth. Hmmm. Have my eye violently grabbed by a trained doctor? Or licked by a woman about 70 yrs of age?:stuck_out_tongue:

Glad to hear it’s sorted. :slight_smile:

reminds me of another story…
the comedian Billy Connolly used to be a welder. During his time in shipyards in glasgow, if some one got a hot piece of metal in their eye, there was bloke they’d send for who’d use his tongue to get it out.
p.s. this was told as part of an on stage ramble so i’m not sure about it really being ‘hot’ metal

I have heard of using a flax seed to remove a foreign object from the eye.