They made a movie about Indigo children.

Truly, they are as gods.

Got to put this into my “You Are Shitting Me” file. Honestly, I can see coming up with the “Indigo” premise for a work of fiction (trite idea, but I guess you could put a new twist on it), but how could you convince people that it’s actually happening in the real world? Okay, don’t answer that; it’s probably got to do with people being effin’ stupid.

One thing:

How does that work? Which do they want to use – intelligence or instinct? Garden snails “live instinctively”; you don’t need intelligence and amazing memory for that.

Am I looking for logic in all the wrong places?

Foolish troglodyte. Once the Indigo Children reach their full potential, they’ll be able to levitate watermelons with the power of their minds alone.

And remove all the seeds. With the power of their minds alone.

Off to the cornfield with you!



And here’s a photo of them:

indigo children

Dammit, I read this entire thread, hoping to make a “cornfield” reference.

Because, you inferior mortal, they’re soooooo creative, and they think outside the box! What are mere watermelons to deny their knowledge? If they say watermelons grow on vines high off the ground, then the watermelons best get climbin’!


The only thing more satisfying than making a good comeback is knowing that you provided a good straight line. :slight_smile:

I started to take offense at this, but then I remembered that I play acoustic pianos and sing folk songs all the time. :wink:

A fuschia?