They sank our fleet!

I was discussing the situation with a friend today and he mentioned:

I don’t think they understand the way Americans think.
For example. Pearl Harboor: “Damnit, they sank out fleet! Let’s build a new one and kick their ass.”

Also, they overestimate how damaging their attacks will be. With the aforementioned Pearl Harbor, they sank a few ships and killed a lot of seamen, but it wasn’t a crippling blow to our Navy. Same with the WTC… it’s horrifying, and many people died, but it’s not a crippling blow to our economy, resolve, or determination.

Aren’t you going to mention Darth Vader?

Who’s ‘they’? :confused:

I believe he was referring to the Empire of Japan.

Actually, I believe he means anyone who has ever attacked America.

My friend was speaking of Pearl Harbor in that example.

“Darth Vader”.

Ya happy?



Come to think of it, we overestimated Vader.

“They blew up our Death Star. We’ll build another!” :smiley:

In Pearl Harbor, wasn’t the majority of the fleet out on a review or drill or something? That they were lucky-had the entire fleet been there, they would have been crippled?

The aircraft carriers weren’t there. The battleships were obsolete although no one knew it yet.


The powers that be did.

Unbeknownst to the rest of the galaxy (but knownst to us), the Empire had more than just the Death Star to fall back on. The World Devastators, the Galaxy Gun, the friggin’ Sun Crusher… damn, that wily Emperor. He was a slick one, he was.

Luke, I am your control. Come over to…The Company.

Before Pearl Harbor most people in the U.S. were against joining the war in Europe. The reaction afterwards was not what was expected and I pray that the same happens this time.