It’s the 3rd of March and the first somewhat sunny day in awhile, but it still is not above 70 degrees outside. So wtf is with the air conditioning coming on in my office. Geezz it is freezing in here now. Is this just a California thing?
I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!
I’d say so… I mean really, who finds 70 degrees cold cept you PCW… :::runs for cover:::
We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another
Actually it has been from 76 - 78 here for the last 8 days. We cut our air on at work about a week ago.
I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.
Y’all make me sick!
“I thought: opera, how hard can it be? Songs. Pretty girls dancing. Nice scenery. Lots of people handing over cash. Got to be better than the cut-throat world of yoghurt, I thought.” - Seldom Bucket
so you are thinking that 68° is a heat wave and needs AC… geezz now wonder you life in the artic north ma chere!
I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!
I work in a controled enviroment set to 68 degrees, with all the electonics the air runs all the time. That’s the machinery’s calibrated operating temperature. Anything over 80 kills me, unless I’m riding down an ATV trail at 30 to forty miles an hour, wind blowing across me all the time. I leave the house at about 55 all winter, and wear only shorts and a t-shirt.
Some people’s body thermostats are our of whack I think. I see people sweating bullets in comfy 70° weather. One guy I work with wears a T-shirt under a flannel shirt under a sweater vest. Then he sits down at his desk & turns on a fan.
I almost turned on the AC in the car today, and temps were only in the low 70’s. Still, I was uncomfortable, and I think it’s just because I wasn’t ready for it, acclimated, or something.
It’s Iowa, it’s March, TWC says 80 by Tuesday. Shoot, this is too weird. I don’t think I like it.
I’m going to be PISSED if winter is over. DAMMIT!!!
From an actual catalog" “Disco balls create an enchanting, dazzling effect of light shafts, adding movement and glamour to any occasion”
the Abrams’ bris was certainly memorable
O p a l C a t