How often have you heard the expression from someone who has just proposed some crackpot idea, “They laughed at Columbus”.
This is supposed to clinch the argument because Columbus was so obviously “right” and his opponents so obviously “wrong.”
Trouble is, Columbus was the one who was wrong and the experts who opposed his plans to sail westward to Asia were 100% right.
Columbus is like a guy who jumps out of a window when it is too dark to see the ground. He claims he will make it, because he is certain that he is on the ground floor and will land safely on the sidewalk a few feet down. Everyone else tells him no, no, no, we are on the 10th floor, you will never survive the fall.
So the guy jumps and by pure luck lands on the roof of a building next door that is nine stories high, that nobody knew was there.
Now who is right, the lucky jackass who landed on the nine-story building or the people who quite correctly told him he was on ten stories up?
A second myth about Columbus is that he was opposed by people who thought the Earth was flat. Nobody in Europe, unless they were uneducated and very very naive, thought the Earth was flat. The people who argued with Columbus agreed 100% about its rotundity.
Another myth is that Columbus somehow proved the Earth was round, and that his sailors were afraid of falling off the edge of the flat Earth. Sailing out west and then turning around and sailing back does not prove the Earth is round. And there is not a shred of evidence that the sailors on his three ships were afraid of falling off the edge of the world.
Why was Columbus wrong? Because he basically believed that the Earth was a much smaller globe than it is, and that the distance of land between Portugal/Spain going EAST to China and Japan was much much greater than it is. So he reasoned that the distance between Portugal/Spain and China/Japan going west over the ocean must be very short.
In other words, he believed that the land in the old world streched more than three quarters around the globe. This meant that by crossing ewstward you could cross over less than one quarter of the globe and reach Asia.
Now, the panel of experts appointed by the King and Queen of Spain to look into his claims knew better. They calculated that the land between Portugal and Japan did not even stretch half-way around the world. Therefore, you would have to sal over more than half the globe to reach Asia by sailing westward from Portugal or Spain.
Now take a look at a globe and tell me who was right and who was wrong?
What neither side realized is that there were two big continents lying right about where Columbus thought Asia would be. So when Columbus arrived where he figured Asia should be, he saw land, palm trees and tropical Islands, and met people who looked asiatic. So he went back to Europe more convinced than ever that he was right.
But he was WRONG, man, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.
By the way, I don’t know that anyone on those panels who initiall refused Columbus actuall laughed at him. They just told him the correct facts about where Asia was.