Things banks do that piss people off

Charge fees to your checking account and don’t identify what the fees are for.

When you opened your account, you were given a list of fees.
Monthly charge if average daily balance is <$1000 = $8
ATM access off their system = $1
Overdraft fee = $30

If you lost that list, ask for another one, or access it online.

Is it that much trouble for them to list WHY the fee was incurred? All I get is FEE $8.00.

Close the most convenient branch to your house.

Those exploding dye-packs are a real pain.

You have $500 in your checking account. You write the following 6 checks over the weekend:
$500 oops…over drawn by $100, get slapped with fee for this check.

No. The bank flips the order of the checks.

$500 ok
$10 over drawn, pay fee
$20 over drawn again, pay another fee
$30 over drawn again dude, pay another fee
$40 over drawn for the forth time, idiot…pay yet another fee.

Hitting you with an arbitrary, unexpected fee that overdraws your account, only to then hit you with an overdraft fee. Infuriating, especially when (as the poster listed above), it’s “FEE 8027b - $7.29” - no pertinent information.

"Programs (including, without limit, fees, rates and features) are subject to change without notice. "

That pretty much says it all.

For me, it would be the usury.

Provide NO drive-thru windows or ATMs anywhere close to your house. Yes, it is convenient that there is a branch in the grocery store where I normally shop, but if I’m not going to the grocery store and need cash, I have to choose between finding a parking spot at the grocery store and dragging the kids inside with me to use the ATM inside the grocery store, or drive 15 miles out of my way to go through a drive-thru.

Bank fees don’t annoy me nearly as much as utility fees do, though. My phone bill recently started arriving with a $4.99 long-distance fee on it. We don’t use the house phone for long distance calls at all (we use the cell phones since it doesn’t cost more than we’re already paying, and we never get anywhere near our limit in minutes), but they still haven’t given me a good reason for charging me five bucks for long distance on a local line that doesn’t make long distance calls.

Yeah, the utilities are not much fun to deal with either. They have a knack for offering a service, then charging you if you DON’T want it. A good example, having your name listed in the phone book.

I haven’t been stung by this one yet, but I have heard people grumbling about it, being charged a fee by the bank for “inactivity” of your account.

Gotta love those ‘bankers hours’. Good thing I rarely have a need to step inside a bank nowadays. Another thing that annoys me sometime…my Checkcard purchases don’t always show up right away on my account. It sometimes takes up to 3-4 days for the transaction to show.

Charging $1 per month for the privilege of seeing tiny obscured pictures of my cancelled checks, even though they’re saving money by doing that rather than returning the actual checks.

I held onto receiving cancelled checks until the bank refused to send them anymore, especially when they started wanting to charge me for the “privilege” of storing the cancelled checks for me. However, our son’s day care does not give receipts or statements, so the cancelled check is the only proof I have for the child care tax deduction.

Sometime in the last three or four months, though, they just stopped sending me the cancelled checks. Since I was getting reasonable PDF facsimiles through the online statements, this wasn’t a huge deal. I was printing out the files and storing them in the check box, but then realized that it made a lot more sense just to save the PDF files to a local hard drive (which is backed up weekly).

The most annoying thing my bank does, though, is issue “debit” cards can will only work as “credit” cards in most stores–even locally. On a personal level, this just means that I have to sign receipts more than I use the PIN (except one store that will accept debit cards, but not credit cards, so I have to write a check), but I know that the main reason they do this is to be able to charge stores more for the transactions. The local Wal-Mart finally threatened to stop accepting their cards at all, unless they could run them as debit cards, but there aren’t a lot of stores with that much pull in the area.

I consider myself lucky - my bank has all kinds of branches in local grocery stores that are open seven days a week and as late as 9 pm most days. It’s great.

Also, this thread reminds me of a car I saw at a grocery store tonight. On the back window, it had the words “BANK ONE SCREWED ME!” written in white. On the side window, it said “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!”

I don’t know what Bank One did, but I gotta admit … I sure want to find out.

Refusing to take loose change. Not huge amounts, but not just pocket change either, maybe $50-$150 worth.

What do they mean, they don’t have a coin counter? They are a bank.

I love the current Bank of America commercials, in which they try to convince us that they’re doing us a favor by offering free online banking.

I usually use on-line banking and the other weekend I noticed that my bank does this the “non-craptastic” way. I had probably seven or eight debit card withdrawals over the weekend, and they all posted to my on-line banking on Monday morning, and all dated Monday, instead of the day each purchase was made. And I noticed that the bank had them withdrawn smallest to largest! (Instead of in the order they were purchased, or the awful largest-to-smallest way mentioned above).

Not that it would have been a problem if they hadn’t, since I had a high enough balance to cover everything. But still! My bank rocks! (At least in this particular area) YMMV. I live in Canada.

My previous bank would just withdraw all transactions in the order made, not smallest to largest, and thank god not largest to smallest. I ended up switching banks to my current one, but that was due to credit card screw-ups, not regular banking.

That’s because it’s getting processed through one of the credit card companies’ systems. If it really does matter to you (and fair enough if it does) and you don’t get any money back for using it as a credit card (for example, I get 0.25% back from all my purchases done that way every month) then try to always use it as a debit card. In other words, try to always enter a PIN.

Say I have $100 in the bank.

I use the debit card for $55. This puts a “debit authorization hold” for $55 on the account.

The next day, I debit another $50. The charge goes through, but I get whacked with an overdraft fee because of the $55 hold. The next day, when the original $55 gets converted from “hold” to an actual charge, I get whacked with another overdraft fee.

I’m not sure I fully understand, but I think I just got charged twice for the same overdraft.