This is the thread for stuff you would like to talk about, but which would take forever to explain, and would be almost impossible to debate on these boards - because the issue makes no sense in the 'dopeverse.
Right now, the norwegian police have been allowed to carry firearms “as a temporary measure” for about a year. It’s causing all sorts of public uproar and weird news stories. People do not like it, police insist it is necessary, and the debate has just been endless.
This special permit has now been extended, once again, until december. However, as a compromise, the weapons carried on the person may not be loaded. Well see if that helps stop the nonsense.
I’d love a Straight Dope-style debate on this, but I’d have a hell of a time getting one going, I think
Not where I live but…I read today how some Texas universities have banned Nerf guns in dorms. But permit real guns!
As the Canadian Federal election approaches our current Prime Minister has the right, up in arms ready to ban Muslim head coverings, for citizenship ceremonies, voting, civil servants, etc. Not only is it the stupidest thing ever, it’s a solution with no problem and a transparent distraction tactic that like EVERYONE can see through. Like our biggest problem is we need a dress code! ( I think he’d make a great Republican, to be honest.)
There are two raging issues here in the Cayman Islands.
The first is whether and how to build a dock that would be suitable for the monster cruise ships. Currently all cruise ships anchor (or hold positions by engines) and passengers are transferred ashore in a five minute ride on a tender boat. However the biggest ships (Oasis class) are bypassing the island. The cruise lines say they do not want to tender so many passengers. No dock = No huge cruise ships.
It is a classic dollars vs environment issue… or dollars vs acres of coral reef.
The second issue is revising the voting system to adopt One Man, One Vote (OMOV) with single member constituencies. Currently the country is divided into districts, basically along historical lines. Each district gets a set number of legislators based upon the population of the district. The least populous districts only have one legislator. The most populous has six legislators.
Voters cast ballots for all of the positions in his district of residence. So if a voter lives in the least populous district he gets only one vote. If he lives in the most populous district he gets to cast six votes.
The current administration was elected in part on a promise to implement OMOV with single member constituencies. Each voter would vote for only one legislator. Each legislator would represent a portion of a district and not the entire district (for those legislators serving in district which get more than one legislator).
I’m guessing bullets separate from gun. Otherwise, what are they going to do, throw the empty weapon at the Bad Guys? I am not familiar enough with situations in Norway where the police require guns to be any kind of expert, but I’m not sure how splitting guns and ammo helps. Do the police get to call a “time out” so they can load up?
Clips stored separately. I have no idea if that means “keep them in a different pocket” or if they have to be stored in the car or whatever.
Keep in mind that up until this “temporary armament” nonsense, guns were kept in locket compartments, unloaded, in the police cars. No personal weaponry whatsoever. So yeah, essentially, deescalate until guns can be found. I assume it’s the same now.
The issue is accidental discharges. There have been 11 separate incidents during the last year, which is not acceptable at all. I guess this is meant to fix that.
Keep in mind, this is the country were the only armed bank robbery in recent memory caused such a hoopla we made a movie out of it. We do NOT feel safer with armed police. Quite the reverse.
(And if anyone wan’t to bring up Utøya, then that’s not relevant. Armed police would not have made a difference.)
Oh how I have the neighborhood to talk about…when it gets all randy up in here!
There’s a small one level apartment house down the road next to a floral store, next to the neighbors kitty corner from us, and NEXT to that, directly across the road from our driveway is a bowling alley bar!
All these establishments are out on the highway and we live on sort of an alley behind them but actually is a road.
The apartment building is full of happenings from time to time, still trying to figure out if they are dealing drugs on the end apartment
Not much goes on at the floral shop but you never know what might flower up over there
The ladies across the kitty corner make a habit of almost daily going to the bar.
And I think a few of them are gay but who knows and nothing wrong with it at all…
Living out in the country, everyone is white, mostly
Down the other direction are old ladies living next to each other.
On our side, beyond the woods is the pastor and his family. You see, our property butts up to church property. Each year they have month long camping parties…usually a month. Most adults but then a few weeks later its the kids camps.
Our neighborhood is an on going story that you’ll have to follow along on, its a fun “trip”
My youngish liberal area has a NIMBY situation going on. There is huge support that there should be more affordable housing built. However anytime someone proposes building a new apartment building somewhere, that neighborhood suddenly has a keen interest in funding Traffic safety studies, Environmental impact studies, utility capacity studies and generally throwing heaps of lawyers into the planning process.
Nobody can drink the water in our city, too dirty. As a (shitty) solution to this problem, the city is offering every household one free water filter. Suffice to say people aren’t happy.
The current city council is running itself like the current Federal Government where there are 3/5 council members who do nothing but vote against the Mayor all day every day. They could give a shit about this city. But they have done a good job convincing people to vote for their Nutjob Leader Coulcilwoman for mayor this November. The current mayor, who is awesome, is not going to run because he doesn’t want to be a roadblock to the city’s progess because of these nutjobs.
The old mayor from the 80s is back and he’s running. I don’t really want to vote for him - after he left here as Mayor he bought a ton of property in town and I think that’s weird for a mayor - but he’s a million times better than Lead Nutjob Councilwoman so I’ll vote for him. I won’t put his sign in my yard tho.
There’s 2 council seats up for election this year. Two super-good guys are running and so are two people under the Lead Nutjob’s control. All the yards either have the Old Mayor + 2 Good Guys signs, or 3 Nutjobs signs.
There’s a whole scandal going on involving our Finance Director who is a prick and a half and was fired by the mayor. The Nutjobs in council freaked out and were like “You can’t just fire that guy” and regardless of the fact that he was a prick and not doing his job well, the council has been fighting his termination. And he hasn’t worked in a year but he is being paid his $93k salary.
The Lead Nutjob Councilwoman’s main platform for mayor is “When I am mayor the first thing I will do is I will re-instate this prick Finance Director that is such a huge prick that he refuses to step down and no one wants to work with. Vote for me!”
These people are really ruining our city and I can’t stand it. I see the Nutjob signs in yards and all I can think is “poor, manipulated idiots.”
Don’t get me started on the kiddie porn School Board President and the VP who wrote a letter of character to the judge…oy.
I live in Texas. There are threads here every week about things that don’t make sense elsewhere. Or here, in most cases.
For a recent one, how about that students at the state university are planning to open carry dildoes to classnext fall. This is a violation of university policy, done to protest state laws that are going into effect to allow concealed carry of handguns at state universities.
I just read the UT obscenity law linked to (via dildo).
I think they’re good on the dildos. As long as they don’t take pictures of them.
Or use them.
As dildos.
I went to UT back in the day and my folks and sister live in Austin. I’m in my 40’s and if I lived there, I would walk around on campus, with a dildo hanging out of unzipped jeans and a tshirt that said “hey! It’s not concealed!”
(I’m an old lady, I wouldn’t frighten anyone. You know…much.)
Of the two parties which have been swinging back and forth for power in Navarre since the short general died, one is currently the biggest force in our local Parliament and the other one is down to being tied for 4th-5th place. The government doesn’t include either one.
There are more motions being passed presented by that not-in-government first party than by the parties in the government, who apparently can’t even agree long enough to pass a motion…
Our council wants to beautify the entrances to the town so they announced they were going to plant trees, which was greeted with good cheer. However, when they started digging holes in the bike lanes for the trees, people started asking questions like “How are bike riders supposed to use the bike lane if there’s a tree planted in it every couple of metres?” and “Are you mental?”. The project has been put on hold while the council consults with the community.