I guess there’s gonna be multiple threads and I’ve already detected some complaints in the ‘Wow’, thread, and then of course, there’s Q.E.D.s thread about bugs.
This is my attempt at a request thread.
I can’t see ‘location’ next to the user name. I know a lot of Dopers have cryptic locations listed, or are just playing silly buggers, but since this is quite an international board, I find it very helpful to know where the posters are at. Having to check the poster’s location by clicking to see the profile will only serve to cause Harm to Hamsters™.
As someone said, the columns don’t re-adjust when I change the sixe of the browser window. That’s not good.
I really don’t feel more important to have my username displayed in such a large font. And it takes up space.
I might be too tired, but I can’t find that nifty feature where one labels a huge URL and give it a brief description.
I can see why the software does that – to make the username stand out when set inline with posts, as in the current layout. But let’s wait and see whether the layout gets changed as they reinstall the SD modifications, as Tuba mentioned in Billdo’s thread.
Add me to the people who hope the narrow table width gets changed, or is able to be changed in the CP.
In the reply box there is an icon that looks like a globe. That’s the “insert hyperlink” button.
I don’t like the screen size at all. My desktop is 1280 x 1024 with a 19" monitor, and there’s a good 2.5 to 3 inches of grey on either side of the column that now makes up the board.
Yesterday I couldn’t post. I don’t know why. I love all the new features and such, especially the Roll-Over preview. The only complaint I have is this new layout. I want the old SDMB format back! To me, this feels like we’re back in the Winter of Lost Content again.