I think many of the folks who demand an end to importing “Made in China” products and demand Made-in-America instead would probably quickly complain about the steep jump in product prices that would ensue. They want to have their cake and eat it too; buy Made in America at Made in China prices, with workers being paid American wages in America.
Also someone else pointed out in a Cafe Society thread that many people criticize movies for being “unrealistic” and want true realism - the example cited was that it is often unrealistic for a movie character to immediately find a parking space in a crowded downtown city (or something like that) and that such parking can take many minutes to find in real life in the real world, but then someone countered that if movies really showed that - a character taking long minutes to find a parking space - audiences would immediately get exasperated.
What other (somewhat reasonable, plausible) things do people say they want, that they probably would not actually like? Deportation of all illegal immigrants? Global nuclear disarmament? (No magic powers or time travel please; practical/realistic things only)
X candidate winning the election. Yes, the soundbites paint the rosy visions of the future, but the bottom line is no candidate really makes much difference. The system lumbers along, stumbling blindly into the night, like a junkie looking for his fix…
Topless women (any more than many men who would be better off with a shirt). Guys say this, in their mind’s eye all topless women would be Victoria’s Secret models or centerfolds (just like most guys aren’t Chippendale dancers). Some males and females might be best to leave things to the imagination.
This is different than women saying they should be allowed to go topless. They should certainly have that right. It just may not be what the guys had in mind Not that there’should anything wrong with that.
An ‘outsider’ as a politician. Sounds nice, but all it really means is hiring someone who is inexperienced.
Also being famous sounds like a huge hassle. Everyone wants to be famous nowadays. A big part of fame is losing your privacy, having people dig through your personal life, living under a microscope, having trouble doing day to day things, having a bunch of fake friends to contend with, etc.
NYC’s Go Topless Day(NSFW pictures in gallery) proves that wrong. Idiots will leer at any breasts. Pretty f’n pathetic, but hey, they’re the ones self-selecting out of the gene pool. Too bad there will always be plenty more to replace them.
I had a sailboat once. Total pain in the ass and ridiculous effort-to-enjoyment ratio. On the other hand, my brother-in-law is a sailor and I enjoy many sojourns on his boat. When we were discussing the effects of winning the lottery at work, it was surmised that I would buy a sailboat. I said, No, I would buy my brother-in-law a sailboat. He actually likes all of the crap that goes into maintaining them, and I really enjoy cruising with him. None for me, thanks.
I can’t seem to find this online now, but years ago, I read about an infertility specialist who, when screening couples for procedures, would give them a Baby Think It Over before doing anything. S/he was quite surprised at how many of the BTIOs were returned, sometimes the next day, and the couple never pursued further treatment. :eek:
Oh, I think fame would be fun for about 2 years, all right. It would be quite a thrill. But after 2 years it would get incredibly creepy and relentless.
Some people (of both sexes) are so drop-dead gorgeous that people just can’t help staring at them. It’s an esthetic thing as much as a sexual thing, and has nothing to do with being an idiot.
Being a farmer. Salt of the earth, live close to nature, self-sufficient, healthy, rhythm of the seasons, see what you produce and know its unassailable value… all true, but it’s easy to romanticize away the un-fun aspects of a farmer’s life if you don’t actually have to do them, day in and day out – or so I’ve been told.
My mother has always wanted a garden, but given her general physical shape she’s much better served by the people from Parks and Gardens.
She has also always wanted an apartment at the beach, but she gets bored shitless if she’s away from home and without someone to bring her, fetch her, drive her and tend to her for more than three days.