For me:
- The classic fingernails on a chalkboard
- Cotton balls (the noise and feeling they generate when you rub them between your finger tips)
- Untreated pine (with a fine, chalky sawdust on top)
- Warm, freshly photocopied paper (especially if my hands are dry)
Some things don’t affect me though, even fi they do affect others, like metal scraping on metal or ice scraping on ice.
How about you?
Beethoven’s Ninth, the part where the choir kicks in.
A good rendition of the Star Spangled Banner (e.g., Whitney Houston, Buckingham Palace Guard after 9/11)
Some of my favorite 80s music
Martin Luther King, Jr.
In a bad way:
Dust between my toes.
Similarly, running my hands through flour.
In a good way:
Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles
Hmm I didn’t think about the good kinds of goosebumps…
Missy Higgins’ song Nightminds
It happened watching Kid Nation once.