Things that infuriate you well beyond their actual importance

This scenario has happened to me several times, and each time it makes me irrationally annoyed.

Today’s example was;
I went to Home Depot to buy some electrical supplies. I bought two “Old Work”

electrical boxes, along with a bunch of other stuff. When I got back home, I started to work on my project, and after cutting the hole in the drywall and inserting the box, I noticed that the bottom screw wasn’t clamping the box to the drywall. I pulled the box out of the wall to figure out what was wrong, and found that someone had stolen the little “flag” that the screw fits into, and put the box back on the shelf. Fortunately, I had bought another one, so I was able to finish the project, but the combination of petty theft, and the casual disregard for the next guy (me) who buys the no-useless product really gets my goat.

I am usually pretty wary of packages that look like they have been opened, because I have see hardware missing from them on occasion, but I didn’t think to check the boxes.

I’m usually a relaxed person, and not much angers me. But, boy oh boy i’m infuriated even if I lose just $100 at the casino. Sometimes I get so angry, I start gambling on games that I know darn well have bad odds. It is like I’m going to MAKE THESE GAMES PAY ME OUT. And then i’m down another $100…or $600. I’m a person who “runs cold”. Two layers in the summer. Shirt and then a light jacket for the cold ass AC. Up to four layers in the winter. Shirt, plaid shirt, sometimes a fleece, and then my coat. Sometimes I get so emotionally dysregulated, my body temp shoots up and I have to peel off layers 2-4. So, I’m just wearing my shirt.

Midwest Degenerate Gambler
-Thank goodness I don’t lose money often.

My job title as an hourly supervisor at the grocery store I work at is “lead clerk”. If a crew member needs our assistance or if there’s a phone call we need to take or a vendor who needs our help, and that person doesn’t have a walkie-talkie to contact us with, the procedure is to page “Lead clerk to (wherever)” on the overhead PA.

For some reason, however, several of our customer service clerks have decided this procedure does not apply when a truck driver needs assistance at the receiving dock, because they insist on paging “Keys to receiving” when this happens.

“Keys” is not a job title at this company. Every single lead clerk has a set of keys to the receiving docks, and there is noone else who does. There is no such thing as a lead clerk without keys or a person with keys who is not a lead clerk. There is absolutely no reason to page it that way. Every single other thing they need us for they page for a lead clerk. I have asked them repeatedly to do it the right way, and they refuse to do so and can’t even explain why they do it that way.

I find it excessively annoying and have considered passive-aggressively telling them I can’t get that call because I’m a lead clerk and not a keys, but I know my boss would tell me I’m being obstinate for no reason and to just get the call.

I’m gonna win the thread right here, in terms of most idiotic ratio of anger to insignificance. If anyone puts their stuff on top of my stuff, because they couldn’t be bothered to find or create an open space, I see red.

This is most often, but not exclusively, a refrigerator issue. How dare you put your leftover sandwich on top of my hot peppers! Now I have to find a spot for your stupid sandwich to get to my peppers. And that’s 4 seconds of my life I’ll never get back!

When someone doesn’t clear the microwave timer to zero.

When people describe things as “their journey.” Just know I told my wife I was going to finish my coffee, take a shit and put my socks on as part of my journey to take the dog to the park.

I get disproportionately annoyed by those ads that professional YouTube content providers insert in the middle of their videos. It’s partially because there is an advert there–I pay YouTube so I don’t see ads, and the fact that it’s one from the content creator vs. YouTube doesn’t matter to me–it’s an ad.
But the main reason they annoy me is because they all seem to be trying to be oh-so-clever in their gentle segue from actual content to useless blathering advert.

“You know, while I am restoring a painting, I sometimes worry about whether I’m going to be able to reach the right people with my services. Maybe a web page might help…but how can I set one up?..”

“You know, when the Apollo astronauts went to the moon, there was quite a bit of engineering and maths involved, and this can seem quite overwhelming at times. If you want to improve your mathematics why not try…”

“You know, when these explorers were traveling to distant continents, they needed to carry some kind of protection with them, and, while, it’s a funny thing, but often seems like we are exploring dangerous territories when we are online…there are so many dangers out there, and you need to protect your privacy as you surf…”

(And it’s always web sites, online learning, or VPNs)

These all strike me as some sort of bait and switch. First, the person’s words become stilted, and they continue talking in a way that is trying to convince us of something, then I realize “Ugh. it’s an ad” and skip forward.

They really annoy me, disproportionately so, because it just feels like I have been tricked. But it’s just an ad, so why get annoyed? Not much I can do about it.

irresponsable last minute changes when meeting people …

e.g. sorry won’t make it - lets reconvene for another time (5 min. before a meeting that took you 1hr to get there through traffic-hell)

Restaurant peeve: “chopped wedge salad”

It’s chopped OR it’s a wedge salad. It cannot be both. The wedge part is the guarantor of quality. Chopped salads can sit for days.

When the last person to use the Keurig lifts the handle before the cycle finishes. When I want my coffee fix, I have to put the handle back down without a pod, wait for the machine to squirt out the last drop from Mr. Impatient’s coffee before sigh lifting the handle again to start my coffee.

How many streaming services have commercials in old shows made for network television.

EXCEPT they do NOT time them to air during the time the shows were edited for them–they just abruptly cut to them in the middle of a scene and half the time it takes me a few seconds to realize they are NOT part of the show.

Being saturated with negative political ads for candidates and issues that are in a different state/jurisdiction simply by virtue of being in the same media market.

I used to fly a lot for work (not any more!) As is my nature, I tried to be very efficient in the boarding process. Enter plane > find seat > stow bag in overhead compartment > sit. Often, I would observe other passengers who would stow their bag in the overhead compartment, then sit, then pop up and rummage in their bag for some item, then sit, then pop up again and rummage in their bag, then sit, then pop up again, etc.

Drove me flippin’ crazy! I would have to run an internal monologue, “It doesn’t matter, you have your seat and your bag stowed, what they are doing has NO IMPACT on you!” But, alas, I often couldn’t convince myself to not care.

What is so freaking difficult about making a hamburger without cheese? Is it incomprehensible to the order taker – “Hamburger, cheeseburger, same thing. No sane person/true American wants their burger without cheese”? Or is the order taker oblivious – “‘Without onions’ is a thing, so’s ‘no mustard’, but ‘no cheese’ must be a typo”?

I can’t. stand. the mouthfeel. of American cheese when it’s mixed with beef and bread. Just. leave. out. that slice. of processed. crap. I’m asking you to not do something; it’s not like I’m demanding grilled onions from a place that doesn’t do that. But I have done this job too, and I’m telling you, it’s not. that. difficult. I know: this job is not your true calling. But you might get a nasty surprise in your first “real” job. Or you don’t even get that “real” job, because you’ve been slacking so much, your McD’s boss won’t give you a good reference.

Apparently it’s the same thing that makes it freaking impossible to not toast a bagel.

I see the driver ahead of me flip an empty RedBull can into the bushes at the side of the road. For the next 20 minutes I can’t get the video out of my mind of me dumping a large trashcan of wet garbage into their car through their open driver side window.

I know that anyone can park their cars anywhere on a street with public parking, so my peeve is on me. But some folks around the corner and down at the end of a cul-de-sac drive a crapbox of a truck, and won’t park it in front of their own elegant house. They park it right across the street from us, so that our view from our front windows is a mud-encrusted work truck with trash on the dashboard. We know that it belongs to the people in question, because we’ve seen a person from that house walk up from the cul-de-sac and get into the truck and drive off, several times.

Can the winner of the thread be given a Francis Soyer Award??

[30-ish second YouTube video]

If you’re working the cash register, do not hand me back my receipt sandwiched between my coin change and my paper money change! If you do that, you just converted a one-handed operation into a two-handed one, and I’m probably holding my purchase in the other hand, dammit!

I was delighted to find the Prime streaming channel had a non-stop running show called Monsters - Godzilla and Friends. I was enjoying the Godzilla movies and related monster movies but before long it was mostly running Ultraman movies. Let me tell ya, Ultraman is no friend of Godzilla. Godzilla wouldn’t be caught dead hanging around Ultraman. Every time I look at Prime now I’ll see another Ultraman movie running and my anger burns with the fire of a million suns. I consider it an insult to Godzilla and myself personally. Over the top? Unjustified? I don’t care, Godzilla is a real hero, Ultraman couldn’t shine his shoes.