Things That Make You Go "Hmmmm"--OR Hell's Angels Punish Rock Star--Kiddie Porn?

Mike Gordon of “Phish” was caught alone with a 9-year-old girl in a boathouse, taking “art” photographs without the parents’ knowledge. The Hell’s Angels, present at the time, took some form of unspecified revenge/punishment on Mr. Gordon.

Later, the parents refused to file charges.

Here is the story–LINK

Did Mike Gordon cross the line? Is it all a misunderstanding? Or, are the parents looking for some more serious form of payback?

And what kind of punishment took place?

Opinions? Speculations?

Nothing personal, Bosda but I really, really hate this kind of stuff where there is a minimum of details about an incident, vitally important details, and the 10 o’clock news, or talk radio, or a poster on a message board, build it up and ask for speculations and opinions. We don’t know what happened, we have no idea of the parent’s rationale, or what punishment was involved. I hate it when the media does this and I hate finding it here.