Things that rub you the wrong way, and you know it's stupid. Things where it annoys you that they annoy you

But ‘it really helps the channel’ :grin:

It is and it is. Facial muscles get saggy when you get older. The exercises include reciting an exaggerated version of the AEIOUY, blowing out one’s cheeks, frowning, smiling, etc. Yes, it’s amusing, and even a bit embarrassing, but it’s necessary.

Ah yes…a new annoyance that matches this thread perfectly: I don’t know why, but I am annoyed by guys who post videos where they are speaking into a lavalier mic that they are holding by their fingertips in front of their face. There is no reason why this should bother me, but it makes me want to shout “Just clip the darned mic on your lapel…it looks so dumb when you hold the mic like that!”
It seems like an affectation and bothers me, and I wish I could just ignore it.

That’s cool. Either of these are one-off things. The audio is probably good most of the way through and has some issues that YouTube introduced. Likewise, your focus is probably spot on most of the time.

I’m more annoyed by people who post an entire video that is so quiet I have to turn everything up to super high volume, or people who have the music too loud to focus on what they are saying.
And the focus thing is about people who post big long videos where they mention the focus fifteen times and it would be a super easy fix to get that bit manually focused.

For the record, I do my very best to check the levels from end to end of my own videos and I bump it up until the peaks are barely under the clipping limit in Final Cut Pro. And I listen to them after posting to make sure they are tolerable.

I’m guessing a variation on this will be: people who explain it three or four times before saying ‘without further ado, let’s get started!’
There was one channel I can think of that was particularly bad for this - they would have:

  • a cold open saying “today we’re going to make X out of Y”, narrated over a piece of footage of something going wrong
  • <20 seconds of channel intro>
  • A brief intro where the presenter would say “what up guys, today we’re going to be trying to make X, using Y”
  • An animated segment “So here’s the theory… we’re going to take a bunch of Y, and then do some stuff and hopefully end up with a bunch of X”
  • Another bit with the presenter, now in possession of a package of Y, saying “so we’ve got some Y, and we’re going to try making it into X. Let’s get started!.. but before we do, a quick reminder to like, subscribe, ring the notification bell and share the video on your socials. It really helps the channel. Also you can follow us on this surprisingly long list of social media platforms, or join on Patreon or YouTube memberships. Now, without further ado… let’s try to see if we can make some X out of Y”
  • The actual video content; “So I’ve got some Y here and I’m going to measure it out, slowly…”

I hate hate nurses, medical personnel saying “and how are WE doing today?”

I always want to answer "I don’t have a clue how You’re doing "
But, I’m not near that hateful.

I don’t know why it bothers me. It makes me feel like they think I’m stupid.

I understand they think it sounds nice and they’re trying to be welcoming.

I wish I remember where I read it but it was said that so often, the first one third, or maybe 30 percent of videos are fluff and that only after that point to they get to the pithy parts of it worthy of the title.

I’ve been conducting my own catalogue during my youtube watching and ding danged if that isn’t dead-nuts true. I about make a game of it that when opening a video and if I don’t see the heart of the matter straight away, I click on the play ribbon thirty-ish percent ahead and BOOM, there it is, mother lode.

It’s a shame because sometimes I might find a preamble interesting, but not right now. I want to see the technical details and combat effectiveness of a WW2 aircraft that the title promises, and I want to see it now. I’ll watch the decade gestation period of its development later.

On that note, I hate when bank tellers, doctors, dentists, etc., call me by my first name. I understand that is now normal for this culture. I understand that it’s meant to be friendly. I understand that people under the age of thirty don’t know the word “Mr.” That said, every time someone calls me “McGillicuddy”* instead of “Mr. Drake”* (I don’t expect “Dr.” outside of work), my blood pressure goes up.

*Not my real names.

Some of this is because YouTube requires a minimum run length before you can add midroll ads (used to be 10 minutes, now it’s 8 I think), so people with less than that much actual content would often just fluff it out.

Interesting. My first guess was obvious length padding but I didn’t know why. Thanks for filling in the blank(s).

Kind of not the same but I get real real mad that I don’t like coffee. To a lesser extent, I am mad I don’t like beer or wine either. Those 3 things are like the most important social drinks in all the world and my mouth isn’t down with any of them. What the heck?

An Italian (or “Italian”) dish involving chopped tomatoes, basil, olive oil and balsamic, on toasted bread rounds. Bruschetta.

Everyone pronounces it “brooSHETTa”.

Having studied Italian, a few decades ago, one of the few things I recall is that the “ch” means hard C. So it should be “brusKETTa”.

The random social question “How are you doing?”. They do not really want a truthful answer. I parrot “fine, and you?”. Except when I’m at a doctor’s office, where I reply with “Well, considering I’m here, not so great… but otherwise OK”.

A lot of what makes me see red to my chagrin is just quirks of speech. Maybe some of it is dialectical, maybe some is from a specific type of education (when I hear dainty, prissy speech, I envision an old-fasioned finishing school…do those even exist any more?).

I see maintenance requests come across my screen all day. When the tenant ends one with “Please and thank you.” my back goes up. When they call in for a light to be changed and add every single time “You’ll need to bring a ladder.” I want to bang my head on a desk.

When I worked at a video store 24 years ago, quirks that were, I assume, due to how the customer had learned English as a second language, would drive me nuts. Guy comes up to the counter with a list of movies he’s looking to rent (I’m tossing in titles from the era to fill this out). “You don’t have Erin Brokovich, do you?” “You don’t have Almost Famous, do you?” “You don’t have Cider House Rules, do you?” Sir, try “Do you have…?”

One time, this dude who I’m pretty sure was Russian (his first name was “Bogdan”) comes up and states: “It’s called Snow Day.” Voice didn’t even go up at the end. (“Was that a question, tovarisch?”)

Yeah, stupid petty stuff of which I wish I could let go.

When I was 15-17 years old I tried smoking cigarettes, but never enjoyed them. I bought different brands, thinking I hadn’t found the right one, but nope.

A couple of YouTube things. First is “Smash that like button!” Not the fact that they’re asking me to like the video–everyone does that, and I know it does, in some mysterious way, “help the channel.” It’s the specific use of the verb “smash.” Greatly annoys me. What if I don’t want to smash it? Will it mess up the algorithm if I tap it gently?

The other one is when the person will say, “And I have another video on that topic, which you can watch right here.” And they’ll point to an area vaguely above their heads, where presumably there should be a link to said video. Except that there isn’t. You’re pointing at empty air, my friend. That promised video, which might have changed my life had I only been able to watch it, will be forever denied to me.

Thank the stars, Mac! :smirk:

Ah, a connoisseur of cheap tequila, I see.

Well, to each their own.

:rofl: :rofl: I don’t drink liquor either, I just don’t hate that I don’t. But good catch!

On YouTube, that’ll be ‘cards’ - it’s possible to configure a video so that it pops up a little link (in the top right of frame) to something else at a specific runtime, but cards aren’t supported on every playback platform, and also sometimes people intend to include one when they are in front of the camera, but forget to do it when they upload.
If you are able to scroll down (or somewhere) to the description of the video on the platform you’re watching it on, you should be able to see duplicates of the card links there.

…and many of us have cards turned off.
The reason? Something that was intended to be a useful way for a YouTuber to point us to an interesting video they are referencing is 99% of the time used for unannounced spam. No, I don’t want to see those things randomly popping up in the middle of the gripping video on how they manufacture widgets in Pakistan, even if they are for other related videos–they are distracting and they are spam.

I had no idea there was an option to turn them off. I use them occasionally to link to a related video (not always one of my own). Never once abused them.

I don’t think they ‘pop’ as much as they used to anyway - they used to bring up a sort of sidebar thing with a thumbnail in it - now they only appear as a little text widget top right.