Things that should cost more than they do

Aluminum foil- So they’re able to take a solid metal, convert it to a thin consistent sheet and package it for use… and sell it for $9.99? Seems like it should cost more.

Any others?

Eggs. What are they feeding chickens that they can produce, clean, package, and ship such delicate items for a buck a dozen?

Bananas always feel like they should cost more given that they have to grow them and then get them from tropical climes to Chicago before they spoil. But they’re among the cheapest fruit options at the grocery store.

Glass bottles.

You’re giving me what amounts to a permanent, durable, leak proof, resealable transparent container, just to ship a $1.99 beverage in a single convenient portion size. Then you are expecting me just to throw it away after one use.

I’m also amazed at the cost of eggs and bananas. 68 cents for a dozen eggs and 38 cents for a pound of bananas! Too bad we couldn’t live on eggs and bananas alone.

Tin foil I find too expensive. But then I haven’t ever thought about the process the OP mentions.

I have a co-worker who is convinced his family only had a single box of foil his entire childhood, because they treated it like a treasured possession. He was very surprised how cheap it was the first time he went to buy it as an adult. “If that’s all it costs, I can use it for EVERYTHING! :D”

Where are eggs 68 cents a dozen? The store brand eggs at my local grocery store are $1.59 a dozen, those with a social conscience will pay close to $4 a dozen for free range eggs.

Social media. Ammo. Tires. Plastics. Agree about the tin/aluminium foil.

From what I’ve read, shipments from China. You can ship something from China to Norway for cheaper than shipping something across (but entirely within) Norway.

Social media probably should cost more. Social media companies can’t afford to moderate, or even keep images of current shooting actions off the platforms.

Surprised no one has mentioned gasoline. At least here in the US, it’s way cheaper than pretty much anywhere else in the world.

It’s also far cheaper than the actual costs involved in its creation, not to mention its externalities, should suggest.

Pork, why is it so cheap compared to other meat? Even nice organic stuff?

I’ve ordered super cheap things from AliExpress and, while it DOES take weeks (if not a couple months) to arrive, it’s still pretty impressive when my plastic tchotchke makes its overseas voyage from China to Chicago and costs me a total of $2.10, delivered.

DVD players. They’re $39 at Best Buy – for a precision, laser-equipped decoding device which can transform bumps on a small platter to a high def movie on a large screen. And also connect to wi-fi and stream movies from some magic place called Netflix.

Also flat screen televisions. 32 inch displays with gorgeous colors for a hundred bucks. I find it almost unbelievable.

Sorry for two posts in a row, but I couldn’t resist linking to this Bloom County comic strip on that subject. :smile:

The cost of fast food pizza has barely changed in the past 35+ years, according to my hazy recollection.

Worth it.

I actually remember that strip, or most of it, from when it first “aired”.

I have often thought this. What would people from 150 years ago think about this?

How is it that I can buy a pair of workbooks at Wally World for $25? Granted, they’re not the best, but the materials, manufacturing, and shipping alone should cost that much!

Stamps. That someone will take my correspondence to anywhere in the world for next to nothing.

It depends. If you buy a pizza from the menu it’s fairly cheap, but if you want to order your own toppings the price is ridiculous.
It hasn’t been all that long since Pizza Hut stopped their online deal of unlimited toppings pizza for $12. I dare you find anything but a cheese pizza for less than $12 now.