This is what I thought the thread would be about.
Mr. Neville insists that we refrigerate our soy sauce. I’m pretty sure there are no bacteria that could grow in soy sauce…
This is what I thought the thread would be about.
Mr. Neville insists that we refrigerate our soy sauce. I’m pretty sure there are no bacteria that could grow in soy sauce…
Nuttella should never be refrigerated.
I also prefer unchilled butter (you can, y’know, spread it that way) so I leave small quantities in a butter dish on the table, refrigerating the rest. This is either how every sane person does it or some vile perversion that makes me a kinky, kinky freak.
Speaking of freakiness, I direct you to my seminal thread on this subject, Dispose of any foodstuff that…
Brains. They just dont keep well.
But it says on the label to refrigerate it…
Don’t refrigerate ice cream. I did this once, and boy, was I disappointed…
You live where I do, you have to keep the bread in the refrigerator, or it is moldy in 2 days.
In fact, due to the unreliability of supplies, we generally keep 5 loaves of bread in the freezer, and put them in the 'fridge when we need another loaf to use.
An oldie but a goodie - turn the “bright” on Roomie’s computer monitor all the way to black. Watch how much Roomie panics while trying to turn on the computer. Simple but REALLY effective!
I’m not going to question whether or not you’re a kinky, kinky freak matt that’s a discussion for another day. But I’ve had two husbands now (that just sounds terrible, doesn’t it) who believe that horrible, bad things will happen if the butter is left unrefrigerated. Their argument is that it’s a dairy product and as such will spoil if left unrefrigerated. I hasten to remind them that I ate unrefrigerated butter for the first 18+ years of my life but that argument’s not good enough.
Back to the refrigerator question, my daughter is convinced that our dear departed cat Fanny would have lived longer had she not accidentally been closed up in the refrigerator when she was a kitty. It was an accident, I swear!
Yeah, I hear you shouldn’t put computer monitors into a refrigerator either
True, but some people prefer it chilled. I’m one of them. (I also refrigerate my ketchup and mustard.)
I dunno, she is pretty good with computers. I did however learn not too long ago how to switch the display so it is all sideways. I think I might give that one a go.
I’m going to tell this to Luna the next time she tries to get into the fridge (when we’re looking for something in there, she’ll usually be underfoot, wanting to check out the contents of the fridge).
ah ketchup.
I say it needs to be kept in the fridge, or it tastes wierd. Mum says it’s fine in the cupboard, as the vinegar content preserves it. Even in summer.
I point out ‘But it says Refrigerate Once Opened on the label!’, to which I get told that people kept ketchup in cupboards for years, before fridges, and it was never a problem. And to ask my Nan…
But i’m sure my Nan had a pantry, which would be a lot cooler than your average kitchen cupboard these days.
unfinished symphony, you’ll find that restaurants almost universally keep their ketchup in the ambient restaurant air, not in a fridge. When was the last time you got sick from the ketchup at Denny’s?
but doesn’t it get used quicker and refilled, so is not the same stuff sat around for a couple of weeks?I didn’t think you’d get sick from it, just don’t like the sharp I’ve Been Sat Around taste.
I guess. Although, to nitpick, it’s actually illegal to refill those bottles in restaurants–if they keep the bottle out, they can’t add more ketchup into it because the new mixes with the old.
I never knew that
Oh–looking at your location, I realize suddenly that it may not be illegal there. Not that it makes a difference, anyway; I get the impression that the average restaurateur is more concerned with saving a buck on ketchup than the health and welfare of their clientele.
My Siamese kitty very quickly learned that the fridge is where humans keep all the INTERESTING food. Food like turkey, ham, cheese, milk…she’s always ready to take an inventory of the fridge, and the freezer, too. If there’s enough free space, she’ll jump right in to point out what she wants. So far, I haven’t shut her into either appliance, though I’ve been tempted to close the door on her for a few seconds.
No. It would sound terrible if you had said that they were in your freezer.
They are not in your freezer. Right?
Reminds me of a T-shirt that used to be on T-Shirt Hell (can’t find it anymore).
Front: “I like my women like I like my coffee.”
Back: “Ground up and in the freezer.”