OK Denver/Aurora area Dopers, you let me down last time so you better just shape up this time and help me plan my vacation! I’m going to be in Denver/Aurora in the middle of April and I’m looking for suggestions of the things I should do, the things I have to do, the things I can’t leave the city without doing. I’ve been poking around various tourism websites and lots of the interesting stuff is either closed for the season (like Six Flags) or for the War On Terrorism (like the Mint).
Gay Dopers especially, I want to hear from you, but if you’re in the area and want to share your favorite activities and what have you, please do.
Denver isn’t really a ‘jump out and grab you with tons of amazing stuff’ kind of town. It’s a good hang out and have a good time town. If you’re into baseball a day at coors field is great. If you’re into music look at the schedule for red rocks, if there is an act you like red rocks is the most beautiful place to watch ever.
Mid April is a little early for camping and hiking but it still can be done, it’s just subject to weather that early in the season, and skiing might be a little ify by then cause it’s been a bad snow season.
If you could be a little more specific about things you like then it would be easier to give more specific information.
The gay angle isn’t really really my alley so about all I can tell ya is capitol hill is where the headquarters is located.