Things we tell our kids.

My dad was the king of this! At dinner we would ask him to tell us how whatever we were eating was invented. The best story involved a town named “Spaghet”, a screen door, and some rather poorly behaved cats. He also claimed that he owned a section of the main road near our house. On Sundays, on the way to church, he’d complain about any traffic he saw on the road. He had been nice enough to allow other people to drive on it and what did they do? They took advantage of his niceness and made his road all congested with traffic when he had some place he needed to be.

I have yet to spawn, but I have worked with children in a camp setting. We would tell the ones old enough to know better that the wild turkeys turned into velociraptors at night and that’s why they made so much noise. The camp counselors, much like school teachers, didn’t have lives beyond camp and we were actually hatched from watermelon sized eggs that hatched up on the beach next to the sailboats. The camp director was our mother and she would sit on eggs during the off-season so that there would be lots of counselors for when summer rolled around. The egg story was actually started by a camper, but elaborated on by staff.

I learned from this message board that there really are pink lemons which, presumably, come from pink lemon trees. Yeah, I realize that pink lemonade actually comes from high fructose corn syrup, citric acid, red dye #5, and lake blue dye #12, but pink lemons are real!