Things you don't "get" anymore

topic possibly age related, hence the “anymore” in the title

cosplay …

don’t get me wrong - Im happy that peeps seem to enjoy it, and all

but I don’t get it … is it just dressing up as some real or unreal persona? or is there more to it? or do you just walk around dressed like a japanes comic figure?

(insert yours here)

I don’t get being immersed in and living your life through multiple forms of social media.

Is this also a thread for explaining things you don’t get? Because Cosplay isn’t any more complicated than dressing up for Halloween. The only difference is instead of getting candy, you’re getting positive attention over how good your costume is etc etc.

I don’t see the point in getting dressed up for anything other than a wedding or a funerial. And wheter I get the suit out for a funerial depends on my relationship with the person.

I wear clean cloths and nicer shoes when I go out and go to work, but never a tie and jacket. Went to an important meeting with a senior VP and managers today, we all had on jeans and polos.

Oh, thank you, I was trying to think of something that actually fits this thread and was focusing on what The Youth are up to, but I’m still young enough to ‘get’ TikTok and the like (but not young enough to enjoy it).

But yes, funerals. I don’t get funerals at all. I don’t want to stand around with people I barely know and talk about how great this dead person was, I don’t want to grieve in public, I don’t want to watch them put the casket in the ground like I’m waiting for some last-minute reversal.

Fluffy mule type bedroom slippers being worn out to shop, at the casino, restaurants etc

“Things you don’t get anymore” implies you used to “get” it but no longer do. So I don’t see how the OP even fits the title unless they used to be into cosplay.

Yeah. I don’t get getting dressed up. Never did. I prefer practical, and comfortable. I have two tailored custom suits. Jesus they are uncomfortable. I have them for weddings and funerals.

Going to a work meeting this morning. Wearing shorts, light hiking shoes and a fleece top. 'Cause that’s what I wear.

I hardly get anything, and never did.

If you consider this is the use of the “positive anymore”, then I have a few things, all of which will cement me in the old fart category.

“Influencer” as a job.
Reaction videos (I saw a funny bit on a tv show where a kid was making reaction videos to reaction videos. I laughed, but I bet “the kids” didn’t)
Unboxing videos of mundane crap

I had no idea this was a thing. (I googled it)

I don’t get music anymore. Not that there’s anything wrong with it per se, but I don’t listen to it by choice. Oh, and Soccer. I don’t get it There are other sports I don’t follow (basketball, lacrosse, hockey) but only soccer is a mystery. Yet it is the number one sport on the planet. I don’t get it.

I’m not sure if this fits the OP but I don’t get how I used to come home from work, change out of my work clothes (office type) and slip into a pair of jeans to watch TV and relax in! Currently, I wear jeans all the time out and about, but they are not comfortable to lounge around in. Give me some nice sweats or pajama pants. Another thing that to me is just as uncomfortable as lounging around in jeans is lounging around in a robe. UGH

I’ve seen one. It was a reaction to a collection of reaction videos, all on the same show.

I’ve never been much of a fan of sports, tho there are some I enjoy watching from time to time. But honest to goodness, I never got boxing.

Where’s the sport in two people beating the crap out of each other?

Even more inexplicable is why boxing is called “the sweet sport.” That I really don’t get.

I don’t get jewelry. What’s the point of wearing it? By the same token, I don’t get tattoos. Why would I want one?

It’s actually called the Sweet Science.

It’s also called the sweet sport. I researched that before I posted. I’m not making this up. Carry on.

I’ve never heard it called that, and the Sweet Science is commonly used. But I think the link I posted explains why the term was coined.

Yeah, this is what I was going to post. Seems like a good gig if you can get it going - a job where you do nothing except comment on stuff, and get paid for that. Perfect for the lazy loafer living in their mom’s basement with no connections to real life.

I don’t get Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). WTF is this new devilry? You create an image or something that everyone can see, but only one person can own, and the owner pays the “artist” some money, sometimes a lot of money, for the privilege of owning something everyone can see? What am I missing here?