I love the fact that we don’t allow images in signatures or avatars, becasue on most forums people love putting 1024 X 780 images of Chibi Chan or what they’re listening to at the moment. It pisses me off to no end when I see a very long topic and more than 3/4ths of the page space is devoted solely to sig images.
I love the fact that (within reason) all most all factual or opinion based questions will get to be answered correctly on here.
You almost jinxed your thread there (until I posted)
I wish we did allow pictures. And I wish dopers were sensible about it so that allowing image tags wouldn’t be a curse.
It would be nice to be able to edit our posts but I fully understand why we cannot.
I like the fact that we have a place specifically for bitching and moaning.
I like how tolerant the mods are - we dopers can sure post some pointless crap at times - but the Mods generally allow it.
I like the fact that PC related questions are tolerated in GQ, and that almost any question is answered there (mind you’ i’ve had the odd no-reply thread)
I know Im only a newbie but still, what I like about this place is the same as what Lobsang said, the fact that there is a place where all the bitching can be done and so in that case the other boards are usually/hopefully arguement free…
I love the sheer trust of all the souls here so deciding to press that “submit” button. The moxy to post a thread that could be unresponded to - is worth a salute in itself, (IMHO).
I love the laughter and the kindnesses people express to one another across the bytes of digital life…I love that the SDMB catagorizes things, and that the subscribed threads keep their promises, they notify.
I am absolutely shocked that the mods are volunteers…This seems harsh!
I enjoy this site more than I reckoned I would. we learn, unlearn, laugh, get stirred with angst, make mistakes, make glorious points…hmmm…WOW!
… ps: proud and happy for you, Aslan of Narnia for presevering on your username! Great outcome!
Most are (shocked). (are admins volounteers too?) If the SDMB set up a paypal donation scheme (for wages/server equipment etc…), I’d donate in a flash - perhaps a regular amount. I am sure hundreds of others would too.