Things you wonder. Please post them.

I wonder if the statute of limitations has run out.

I wonder why Boyo Jim has “Best of the Worst” under his name.

I wonder what it is like to be rich. I am sure there are responsiblites that come with hoards of cash but I can’t imagine the burden is on the same level of living paycheck to paycheck and worrying about how you are going to pay all the bills. I mean I can’t imagine rich people rob Peter to pay Paul.

I don’t want to be super rich but it would be nice to live comfortably. Enough money to pay the bills every month with a little extra for entertainment or to place in a savings account.

I wonder why everyone wonders the same things I do. :slight_smile:


I wonder what the world will be like for my children, my grandchildren, and future generations of the Dragwyr clan.

I wonder about things that have happened in my past and ask myself what if I had done things differently.

I wonder why those who are great leaders don’t stand up and get elected to office.

Then I wonder why the general public doesn’t vote for those who are great leaders.

He was last year’s winner of the ahem prestigious Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest. (If you have never encountered the BLFC, read the archive of the 2007 winners here. Do not drink while reading. You have been warned.)

I wonder who wrote the book of love.

I wonder how anyone can possibly want to listen to rap/hip hop.

I wonder why so many people still believe in the myths of socialism.

I wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent.

I wonder why so many people in management are clueless.

I wonder how my life would be different if I had made some different choices when I was younger.

I wonder how my life would be if I was not a life long social phobic.

I no longer do. It was Vatsyayana. And Sheikh Nefzaoui.

Especially the latter, IMHO. His work is more accessible and better, overall. Vatsyayana is overrated.

I wonder what it would be like to be a woman for a while.

I wonder why the hell I married my ex-wife.

I wonder if I would have become an addict if I hadn’t married my ex-wife.

I wonder how I’ve lived as long as I have.

I wonder why I’ve lived as long as I have.

I wonder it it’s all been worth it.

I wonder about male orgasms, too.

I wonder what ultraviolet looks like, also.

I wonder what it feels like to give your scrotum a good scratch (my husband certainly seems to enjoy it.)

I wonder what my cats “think”.

I wonder if my boss knows how much time I spend online.

I used to wonder what my native language, English, would look like to me if I didn’t know it.

Then I found out.

I was on the bus, coming home from Esperanto club, reading a French comic, and listening to people speaking in Russian, Polish, and Ukrainian. My mind was in pictures and languages a long way from my origins.

I looked up as other people got on the bus. A lady was reading a tabloid newspaper in an unfamiliar language, which is not at all unusual in Toronto, but this language appeared to be a mutant variation of Dutch, with lots of T’s, H’s and D’s.

I stared at the newspaper, puzzled, wondering what the language was. These days, I can usually make a good guess at what language a newspaper is in, but this was a new one. Then something clicked in my brain. I was looking at the Toronto Sun, and it was in English.

Whoa! that would make my brain break!

I wonder why some dopers have only 11 posts in seven years (something like half a post a year) :slight_smile:

I wonder why you lose interest in every toy the instant it stops moving.

I wonder how the pet me/don’t pet me line got drawn so precisely where it is.

I wonder if the purr really comes from that little adam’s apple thing in your neck, where I can feel it.

I wonder what’s beyond the universe

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

I wonder what my cat thinks about time. He has a pretty good internal clock, he knows what time I come home from work and waits by the door. If I come home early, he seems a little confused. But what does he think happened?

I wonder what it would be like if I could somehow be two people, and shrink one of my selves down to teensy tiny size, and then do a exploratory voyage inside my own body. Okay, I know it would be cool, so I guess what I wonder just how cool would it be, exactly?. I would like to say I am interested in the medical science of it all, but in reality I would be more interested in mundane gross things like how well I really floss my teeth.

Whenever I am driving around somewhere unfamiliar to me, if I see an interesting house, I wonder about who lives there, where they are from, what kind of family they have, what they do for a living, where did they go to school, all those things. I mean, I wonder about it for a long time, it’s not a passing thing.

I wonder why my coworker, who is a highly-educated professional, talks in a cartoon voice. More to the point, I wonder WHY WON’T SHE STOP?

I wonder why you are always in the mood to play when I am tying my shoes.

Thanks to you the ends of my laces are frayyed.

I wonder why, whywhywhywhy why, she went away. And I wonder where she will stay-ay ay.

Also, I wonder why all women aren’t lesbians.

I also would really like to know what UV looks like.

Mostly I wonder whether I’m making the right choices… I wonder if there’s a right answer or even some that are better than others.

I wonder what the world will be like when I’m my grandmother’s age. Will the world jump ahead as far as it did over the span of her lifetime?

I wonder what sex is like for a man.

I wonder what my cat is thinking.

I wonder what it feels like to be able to create music.

I wonder if I’ll have kids, and whether they’ll be brats.

I wonder if I were richer if I could read and write