Things your friends do that are weird (to you), but you don't say anything to them about it.

Maybe they were just using a ‘cutesy’ term for their dishwasher? If not, that is totally weird. What isn’t weird is having 2 dishwashers and not bothering to put the clean plates in the cupboard in between, but I haven’t remodelled my kitchen to do that yet.



The lip of the glass is touching the cupboard surface so it has to be in contact with something that hasn’t been cleaned recently versus theoretical dust in an enclosed environment.

As of yesterday, a dear friend got a job as a hospice chaplin. She had previously been a rape crisis counselor, but found that too stressful. I will not be remarking on this to her, but it sure seems like a “frying pan to fire” situation to me.

Yeah, that’s the part I was wondering about.

Ah, now that’s my kind of organizing!

Yes, this is exactly why fries have to be eaten first.

Mouthful of burger, stuff in fries, fill the voids with chocolate milkshake. Chew. Delicious.

^^^^^ Just No!^^^^

I endorse this post.

I have a co-worker who is Hindu but her husband is Catholic, and they often participate in each other’s religious rituals. But I still find it odd when I hear her talk about what she’s giving up for Lent.

You might not know- but is it really a matter of her giving up something for Lent or them as a couple giving something up? I wouldn’t find it at all odd if they both gave up soda or red meat or candy or anything else where it might be easier in some sense for both to give it up rather than having soda in the house that he can’t drink. I would find it odd if he gave up buying lottery tickets and she gave up Facebook.

Then say hello to Debbie Diabetes.

Nope. I mean, obviously she is doing it because she is supporting her husband doing it, but they give up different things. Like for example he may give up beer, and she gives up chocolate.

Fries with mayo are freakin’ delicious, and whenever I eat them I thank Tarantino and Travolta for putting the idea in my head.

Ranch dressing has never made any sense to me, though

My boyfriend, now, he has some weird, obnoxious eating habits. Like, sometimes he eats dry, uncooked pasta or rice right from the package.

Even worse, he eats dry powdered milk by the cupful. Dry flour, too. And pancake mix, and instant mashed potato flakes when he can get away with it. That really pisses me off, especially when I was planning on using the pancake mix or powdered milk or potato flakes to make something with.

[quote=“manson1972, post:26, topic:834617”]

When I’m at home, I put the Coffee-mate in first, just so putting the coffee in after mixes it up. You are right, no spoon necessary.

This is how I make a bourbon and Coke. If I’m making an especially tall one I’ll put some coke in first, then the bourbon then more coke.

Behavior: voting straight party tickets. In other words pull one lever and vote for all the endorsed whatevers. I know people from both side who do that and I just never fathomed the concept. Dammit vote the person and not the Party dammit.

Things; half/mostly-empty freezers. Its a waste of energy. OK, you can’t keep it full of food but fill some of the dead air with stale bread in a plastic bag or something. IMHO it also helps prevent freezer burn.

As an engineer who until recently also paid all bills snail-mail only, let me offer a possible explanation: doing so minimizes accounting errors and increases your level of control through consistency. This kind of thinking process is so engineering that I’m surprised you call it “Luddite.” Heck, it’s practically NASA-level “mitigation of risk.”

Here’s what I mean. If you have a number of different ways to pay bills, I find it’s easy to forget to pay some of them, or if you properly pay them, you may forget to update your ledger. So I had to take deliberate steps to invent ways to prevent these mistakes from happening, as I could all too easily see myself screwing it up if it were left to chance. I came up with a system that ensured that every paper bill had its spot in my drawer, that all bills were gathered before paying them, and every payment had a “receipt” (email or text ok) provided. Then I update my ledger by hand, and all is good. Repeat monthly, ad infinitum, and don’t put too much thought into it.

Grumble: now my phone company is saying they won’t send me a paper bill because I’ve been paying online for a while. Hope I don’t forget to pay them…

I’d say you got it backwards?

  1. The party supports your views. Hence you support the party.
  2. Vote the party.

The individuals’ quirks do not matter. I don’t watch politicians on TV or listen to their speeches. I just do a sanity check to see if they’ll support my views for real (no crypto candidates) and are capable of winning an election (because if not, why bother?) and can hold their own during ad-lib speeches, discussions, etc. Play well with other international leaders, etc. Don’t do anything too stupid or angry, etc. Don’t be a jerk. That’s about it for me. Which almost always leads to the endorsed candidate. So I’m cool with party voting. Heck, I’d be happy to automate the process, just record my vote for the next 50 elections right now, so I don’t have to go vote.

If they’re charismatic and otherwise interesting as a person, that’s a bonus, but not a reason to vote for them. Voting the party takes the personality right out of the picture, as is right and proper.

Having more stuff in there requires more energy than having less stuff :stuck_out_tongue: And I’d rather be able to reach the ice cubes without needing to claw my way through everything else. Littlebro and 2.SiL are on my side; Middlebro, 1.SiL and Mom are on yours. Electric bills right after siesta!*

  • It’s when Littlebro the Comptroller is at his best :smiley:

What’s Luddite is needing to pay them individually :stuck_out_tongue: e-billing for the win, man.

Nava, engineer.

He is training for the zombie apocalypse/nuclear war/end of the world. Just add water.

He had better really hope that there is some water available.

Isn’t it the Dutch who dip their fries in Mayo?

One ‘weird’ thing I participated in, with respect to fries, was at a fair or similar outdoor activity in Germany a while back. They served fries in a serving-sized tray, into which you could squeeze whatever condiment you liked, then you ate the fries…then ate the tray.

The tray was made out of a flat, tough, baked material a bit like a communion wafer. It was not cardboard, but looked like it. When soaked with fry oil and salt after holding the fries, it was perfectly palatable.

Have never seen this outside of that one time, maybe it’s common in EU??

Yeah, I too was eventually moved to use e-billing through the promise of not having to keep buying books of stamps. My desire for consistency and control lost out to my desire to do as little work as possible.