Things your lover should say, the first time they see your naughy bits

“Impressive. Most impressive.”


“WOW!!! I don’t think I can handle that all by myself. Is it okay with you if I call my sister to come over and help?”

Give me chastity and give me constancy, but do not give them now.

Those of you in the first three rows are in the splash zone and may wish to move back.



ramming speed!


Give it to us raw and wriggling.

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship…

“Let me get my camera.”

Just putting it out there… what about TWIN sister?

I bet the Chinese food here is terrible.

Forgot the last part of the story:

Me: Don’t stare too long at the sun baby.

“Lemmie guess. Smallpox.”

It is a strange fate we should have to suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing. Such a little thing.

"Cute little guy. I’ve got a vagina who’d like to meet him. "

“Five dollar. Five dollar foot long.”

You’re on Candid Camera.

“Oh, sweet mystery of life at last I’ve found you! At last, I know the secret of it all!”

Sung, of course.

mmphmph mmpmphjrmm.


Heh, Cute…

(Yes, it did happen to me. :frowning: )