He’s going in for his tonsillectomy today. It’s outpatient surgery so mom and dad will be whisking him away home for some R&R on the ol’ homestead’s couch.
Yah, rough life…being waited on hand and foot by mom for 5 days or so.
Hope all goes well and you’re back in the game soon, friend!
Actually, i saw thinksnow last night. Gave him my copies of my ChiDope pics (that’s right, Bunny…he now has pictures of your ass-crack. And of you lifting GeoBabe’s skirt). He karaoked a song by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. I met the thinkfolks: Joe and Ellen. Nice couple.
Think of thinks? What the hell do you think has been driving me insane??
Dr. Seuss Boxers. Awww yeah, baby.
Big E, I hope you’re convalescing well and I hope you have lots of tasty yummy frozen treaties to help you feel all better. Just remember that I went through it as a grown-up, too, and at the time was a singer for my living, and freaked out.
I’m home.
I think they started a bit after 8, I woke up around 10:45, had some Flavor-ice popsicles and some liquid pain killer and voila, I am now sitting in bed, about to take a nap.
Thank you all for your well-wishes and for keeping me in your thoughts.
Truth be told, right now anyway, this feels about as bad a normal bout of sterp throat. 'Course my doctor said it will get a little worse, but that this is close to the worst so I’m not too worried.
FTR: they took out my tonsils, adnoids (sp?) and got rid of some of the “extra” flesh behind my tonsils. The doctor said that my tonsils had a bunch of gunk in them which would explain the chronic bad breath and occasional (3x/year) strep.
Thank you again everyone, and Bunny, my MoA, you are a sweetheart beyond anything and anyone I’ve known before. Thank you.
Thiiiiiiink of think
You know that we’d be with you if we coooooould.
We’ll come around to see you once in a while
Or if we ever need a reason to smile
And spend the night if you think we…Hrm.
</crappy Todd Rundgren rip off that was quickly turning into another orgy>