Thinking about summer vacation in the MMP

Congrats, Taters!!! We all knew you were the best choice! :wink:

Congratulations!!! :partying_face:

Okay, I’ve driven off the wolves … err, paid bills. It’s an amazing feeling to just, yanno, pay 'em off, without having to track each one against my dwindling balance or play the “who gets put off this time?” game.

Upshot of being worked like a rented mule, I guess. Bigger paycheck an’ all.

Also scooped the primary litter box, and took out a bit of trash. The kitties split a small can (cue sad trombone sound!) so they’re primed to refill their litter box promptly, after they’re done chasing leaves (Monkey) and rolling in the sandy dirt (Nikki).

Now to figure out breakfast. I was thinking toast (since I remembered to pull the butter out of the fridge a.k.a. the “Monkey Defense Unit”) and also I have an avocado that appears to be within the 7-minute ripeness window.

Oooh! OOOOOH! I could be all millennial, and have avocado toast.

Shit, that actually sounds pretty good. How did that become the go-to scapegoat in the generation feuds?

How do I do strikethru text?

Morning all. Boy’s soccer team won their first game of the spring 3-2, so much happiness for all. Girl’s play their make-up game tonight and I’ve got another boys game scheduled for Friday, then both teams play Saturday…so lot’s of soccer planned.

Temperature is heading for 82F today, 71F already, so Springtime, Ali-bama-style, is definitely in swing. Should probably mow the lawn but I’ll think I’ll wait for Sunday and let it grow some.

nellie, good news on the improving eyes. As one who has been severely nearsighted since 2nd grade, I know how important your eyes can be. Hope it keeps getting better.

shoe, sounds like Pretzel and you are both well-fed.

taters, early congrats on the new position!!

My passport is good until 2018; hope I get a chance to use it before then…

swampy, condolences for your friend…price of age, I fear…

quietly drun…drink up and enjoy!

OK, pills were taken early so need to forage for some sustenance. Everyone have a good Hump Day.

Does it include time travel? :wink:

Arrrrgggghhh…should know to caffinate prior to typing…2028 of course…

Congratulations, taters!

And I’m so happy to hear about the improvement in vision, nellie.

Swampy, I’m so sorry to hear about your friend.

Today is grey, rainy and stormy. I love it and wish I could just hang out and stare out the window. I’m hungry as all get-out and I’m having a silly back and forth at work with someone who is behaving like an idiot. I’d better get some food before I say something offensive.

I got good news this morning: my daughter and son-in-law are coming for Mother’s Day! That means BOTH my chilluns will be here! I can hardly take it in. And though I’m sad DIL can’t come (She won’t be at full immunity yet.), I’m happy that my SIL was the one who suggested they come. My kids married good people. :slight_smile:

I’m going to 'fess up something that’ll sound strange. I’m not ecstatic about the eye news. It’s not that it’s not excellent news that I’ve wanted so badly; it’s that I’ve lost the ability to get excited about eye stuff. I used to get VERY excited and happy when my vision improved post-surgery. I remember shouting out a hotel window, “I CAN SEE!” But I’ve had 12 or 13 eye surgeries and various contact lenses, and all of them worked for awhile and then not so much, and somewhere in there I started protecting myself by not counting on anything. Does that sound crazy? Everyone expects me to be jumping for joy, and I just can’t. Maybe it’ll hit me down the road sometime.

Avocado toast? Hah, I was way ahead of that curve, although I eat it on bread, not toast. As a parting gift, one of my students gave me a little spatula spreader for my avocado-on-bread lunch. Now my typical breakfast is either oatmeal with fruit or a slice of whole grain bread paved with smooshed avocado and topped with an over-easy egg. Yum. (I skip lunch.)

Oh! Summer plans: flying to Chicago and then traveling to Michigan for the annual (except last summer) gathering of siblings. Yay!

swampy, I’m so sorry about your friend. ALS is a horrible disease, and I wish it could be prevented.

taters, CONGRATS on the job!

BooFae, don’t think I’ll be shooting any porn movies today–not outside, anyway. :slight_smile:

My husband’s passport did expire on April 11th. As we do not have Swiss citizenship, we’re supposed to carry (have access to) valid passports. It’s actually a condition of our residence permits.

Now that we’ve started the process, if there would be a question about our passports, we can state that they are in processing.

We finally got dates for our winter garden, so everything will be done by end of May. Still need to find out when we’re getting a new washer and dryer. But the temporary washer’s working out fine.

Got a call that my paperwork for a bank thing was mostly okay, but I wrote the date wrong. Not quite ready for 2031.

Congrats to taters and Pretzel, for very different reasons. Good luck to nellie, that sounds promising.

Sorry swampy for your friend. Expected or not, it still hurts.

Looking forward to vacaction. Or just a break.

Not strange at all. I’ll bet there’s even a name for that feeling. I’ve felt that way about a lot of things I’ve wanted over the years. Glad your eyes are doing better. May they continue to improve.

Sorry about your friend, Swampy. A lot of my friends and family have shuffled off too.

Yay! For the new job, Taters.

Our plans for this summer/fall pretty much revolve around moving house. We’ve lived in our ‘big house’ in the valley for 32 years and sometimes feel like we’re in an episode of Hoarders. I’m much more of a hoarder than Wifey, but some of it’s hers.
To that end, I finished (pretty much) painting the floor in our basement yesterday (need to touch up a couple of spots), so when it cures (paint bucket says 72 hours) we can get organized and we’ll have some room for some of the stuff from the ‘big house’ to live temporarily while we clear some stuff out of the ‘little house’. Also we’re planning some expansions/improvements to the little house with some of the profit (what the IRS allows us peons to keep) from the sale of the ‘big house’.
(The big house is about 2600 square feet, the little house is about a thousand square feet plus about 500 sq’ of basement).

In other news, I found my birth certificate the other day. (It was a cuneiform tablet) so we may get our passports sometime soon so’s the gov’t doesn’t deport us to Upper Begonia.

Shoe, to strike thru text: < s> < /s> strike through



Whee! Boo can strike through! Always wanted to do that. But I’ll never remember how~had look back up at the example 3 times. Boinked brains don’t handle this kind of new learning well. Y’all may have to put up with … …… from me or ( ) instead of strike through sigh

Supper was a couple of salads from Wawa. So all I have to wash are a couple of forks. :smiley:

SIL managed to get extra shifts at work, so I have Roxy the rest of this week and all next week. I need to create some sort of routine that allows me to not be her playmate. I think tomorrow, we’ll head to a nearby playground for a while. She needs to be interacting with other preschoolers.

Oh, and I managed to run the vacuum cleaner around the common areas. I need to haul the laundry downstairs so I can do it in the morning. I’d like to hang it out to dry. Yep, excitement abounds!

I have a couple of branzino filets thawed, the cream cheese is about room temperature, and I’ve grated a buncha parmesan cheese. I got two bags of fresh baby spinach and a red bell pepper. We have garlic, olive oyl (Agagagagagaga!) and cream.

I hope The Missus wants fish Florentine tonight! :slight_smile:

swampy, I’m sorry about your friend Bobby. Sometimes it sucks getting older.

Congrats taters!

Yay on both of your kids coming home for mother’s day nellie.

I irked an hour over today and will again tomorrow and Friday. My boss is expecting miracles, which won’t happen short of divine intervention.

Got news today that my cousin Sis’ (does everyone with connections to the southern US have a cousin Sis?) husband passed. Sad, but he lived a hard and dangerous life and I was surprised that he made it to 70.

On a more positive note, tomorrow is Nelson’s fourth birthday. His sitter will have special treats for him to share with her dog while I’m at irk and hopefully, it won’t rain so they can go to the dog park.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Another peak day, another day of being yanked out of smalls At least the mezz has-
-fans, which is nice. Having a gin and tonic, and making curried fish and cauliflower for dinner.

Yay for Pretzel eating!

< applause >
I understand managing the excitement about the eyes.

Soy, swampy about your friend

Congrats, Taters!

Howdy Y’all! We successfully procured provisions, I handled church janitor Junior Warden duties, and we swiped The General’s sup. Oh, and we achieved nappage. We’re old and we need sleep!

Taters congrats on the promotion!

nellie yay for the chilluns comin’ to visit and for the improved vision.

red I’m sorry about cousin sis’ husband.

Thanks for all the condolences for Bobby.

Evening all. Soccer has been coached (the girls won 8-0 to go 6-0 for the season…they are doing great!) and dinner (BLT’s) have been ingested, so all is right with the world. No nappage this afternoon, so should head off to bed at a reasonable hour tonight. Cloudy outside but it got to 82F today so there is that. Both Dishes and myself have been throughly washed and rinsed.

nellie, great news about the kids being able to come home.

red, condolences to cousin Sis. And an early Happy B’day to Nelson

FCM, yeah, more socialization with her peers is nice–I wonder if they do any little kid’s activities at the acquarium…

Ok, need to do some readin’ and internettin’, then put dishes away so I can start on collecting the next batch. All y’all take care.

Came home and had a good, hard, sobbing cry. Not because anything is particularly wrong - it was a good day! - but just because I’m so damn tired, yanno?

Yay for your girls, and yay for BLTs!

Achtung! Warning! Politics ahead …

I caught part of Biden’s “100 Day” speech on the radio tonight, driving home, and was struck by how NOT TRUMP the whole thing sounded. I don’t know how else to put it. Just … so non-Trump-esque.

Lovely. :slight_smile:

Dammit. I meant to pick up Taco Hell on the way home, because I’m tired and weepy and can’t think of anything better.

Forgot to even manage that (I blame Biden!) but I’m upset for no reason and driving around might calm me.

Coupla tacos helped my mood a bit.

Long line - there aren’t many options for a hot, cheap meal after 10 p.m. and certainly the choices dwindle drastically after 11 p.m. One of the few downsides to living in a small-ish town.

Good night, Mumpers.

Goodnight, Mumpette…and kittehs…and ratties…and Pretzel…and Charm.