This Blinky and Pinky numnuts is still around?

Oh, good. The sot has spoken. Or tried to, anyway. His attempts at communication are comparable to Stephen Hawking trying to use ASL.

I’m quite convinced that Blinkypinkystinky is trying for a Colberg-esque parody, where he is presenting himself as an over-the-top caricature of a right wing idiot. It just seems to me that he’s pushing that envelope pretty hard.

In short - I think it’s intentional parody/semi-trolling.

That’s what I did. But people keep quoting the son of a bitch.

Dammit, stop trying to milk this. It’s cheesy. That’s just not the whey.

You’re the one churning it!

I believe that many posters who go out of their way to announce that they have somebody on ignore are not being truthful at all, as these narcissistic and simplistic beings can simply not resist reading what the object of their hatred has to say at any given time. This applies to all forums and the internet in general, not just this forum.

The liberal mind is often not a very complex mechanism, due to the reliance on knee jerk hysterics over rational thought and the motivations behind the actions and behavior of certain posters are quite transparent and predictable for all to see.


Any volunteers to remake this thread in ATMB?

I’m waiting for the motherfucker to grab his gun and come to my town, like he promised. Killing libruls seems to be his ambition in life. He probably jerks off on Ted Nugent pictures.

And what do you know I was right.

• Downs power pellet •

Words don’t work that way. You’re trying to equate “insult word” to “people in the other camp,” as if all of one side weren’t, and perhaps all of the other side were. That’s nonsense.

“Anti-American”? Listen, cupcake, I’m more American than you are. Just being left of center doesn’t make one un-American, let alone anti-.

As for* Hamilton!* being non-political, it’s a musical* about Alexander Hamilton!* Pence had every reason to know what he was getting into. And it’s not anti-American, at all. It’s incredibly patriotic, even conservative, even hagiographic, when it gets into its treatment of Hamilton’s generation. Frankly, as a descendant of the colonists and distant cousin of the Founding Fathers, I find it a little embarrassing.

You are talking about a fantasy world.

I object to this thread. Blinky needs a safe space to express his views without fear of the big bad liberals making fun of him. You’re hurting his feelings.

Reality check:

BlinkyandPinky is a god damn fuckwit boring troll.

Maybe Blinks can find safe space here?

What do you expect from a guy with that username? It’s not like we’re talking about Raconteurandprofessor. No, the dude’s name describes him perfectly: both an asshole and a pussy.

Yeah, how come the new thread? This would have dovetailed into the existing one quite nicely. Does he really deserve more than one?

Clearly an effort by the BlinkyandPinky faction to steal a march on Team Jefferson.

Consumed by his anger and pain, projecting it on others because he cannot face that it is within himself.
Time to dream, pinky dear boy. You cannot escape yourself there.

If the BlinkySnowflake doesn’t like the way we meanies trigger him, he can get the fuck out. And take his whiny snowflake pretend-president with him.

He does seem like a major tool. (And certainly not a Craftsman.)