This is _not_ a criticism of his banning...

…which was entirely reasonable. But I will rather miss KGS. Dude was nuts, but I’ve always liked him quite a lot anyway.

Good luck in the future if you’re still watching out there.

Hmm no “Banned” tag under his user name (still says “Charter Member”)…

I was curious about that, too, John DiFool.

Maybe he’s only banned in his world, not ours.

I’m not sure what’s up with that. I’ve asked the admins to check it out.

Oy vey, KGS’s meltdown was painful to read. Hope he gets help. :frowning:

Meltdown? He started out melted down. It certainly wasn’t improving his mental health to post here, at any rate.

After reading that thread, I can’t see how he could remain on the boards. What Dripping and Frank said to him did not warrant the threats he leveled at them. Having seen that, if there had been no consequences, how would anyone feel safe disagreeing with him or saying something remotely controversial to him? Sure, they were wild, probably unenforceable threats, but no one enjoys being threatened with legal action (nor being accused of being a child molester) for disagreeing with someone in the Pit, and there is a chance, however slight, that he would sic a lawyer on you.

KGS could not handle being here. He was getting all the wrong kinds of attention, and the SDMB was becoming just another entity in his life that he was having a fucked up, dysfunctional relationship with. I’m glad the mods did the right thing and stopped him from continuing with that relationship, which was going nowhere good. I feel truly sorry for him and hope he gets well.

I genuinely hope he gets the help he needs, because damn does he need it.

Generally we don’t allow discussion of banned members, since the person in question is unable to respond to any remarks made. Since these comments are all supportive and wishing KGS well, however, I’m going to leave it open (and move it to ATMB, which is a better home for it, I think).

twickster, MPSIMS moderator

Glad I saw that comment before I posted. :slight_smile:

I’ll also miss him. I wonder how he’ll end up? How much of what he said about his family was true? I wish he had a blog.

It totally didn’t register to me that I was breaking that rule. Sorry about that. :o

I didn’t post in his melt-down thread (didn’t want to be accused of being a child molester; I have a ‘history’ and it really, really would have gotten to me to even be accused of it by someone who is clearly unhinged), but I, too, really, truly hope he gets the help he needs.

I didn’t think he’d take my advice. I’m not a doctor, but… as I’ve said, I’ve seen that kind of behavior way too many times. KGS, if you’re reading this… try to stay healthy. Try to find someone who can hold a mirror up to you, just some kind of objective check to see if you are doing as well as you think you are.
Nathaniel does not count.

I can think of at least 10 posters more annoying and disruptive than KGS.

Yes, but they didn’t threaten legal action against the forum, which is what got him banned.

Not a problem – as I said, since the thread is about wishing a troubled person well, I think we can let it go this time.

Glad you understood my point.

Correct me if I’m wrong – my understanding is that criticism (including mocking, etc.) of a banned member was prohibited – but that:
[li]a request to know the reasons for a bannination,[/li][li]wishing someone well who was “mercy-banned” such as after a meltdown,[/li][li]discussion of the board policies that led to a banning (as opposed to the banning itself)[/li][/ul]
were in general acceptable topics (though staff generally prefers to respond to the first by PM or e-mail unless there is general curiosity among much of the membership).

Requests for an explanation should always be handled through a PM or email to a mod or administrator if there is no announcement in ATMB. (Usually the person in question is a sock, whom we prefer not to give addl. publicity to.)

“Wishing someone well” is, as we can see through the continued existence of this thread, acceptable. It is also highly unusual – most people who have misbehaved to the point at which their bannings become necessary aren’t those with deep reservoirs of good will or sympathy. (Far more of the people we ban are straight-up assholes, as opposed to those who are clearly struggling with psychological issues.)

Discussion of board policies is, of course, a legitimate thread – and is different from a discussion of the banned member, which is what I said is generally not allowed.