This is what calculators have done to this generation

A friend named this the “hook theory,” and (until now), I hadn’t heard anyone else espouse it. The theory is that you only have so many hooks in your head on which you can hang information, and if all your hooks are full, you have to kick out some information to clear a hook for new information.

So I’m walking to a final with my friend who invented the hook theory, and we pass a friend in the hall. He says hi, and makes a passing comment about the weather. My friend went ballistic: “Don’t you know I’m on my way to a test? My head is full, and now you’ve told me it’s going to rain tomorrow. How do I know what information I had to unhook to store the fact that it’s going to rain tomorrow? I just know it was something critical. Now I’m going to fail, and it will be your fault!”

Good times. Needless to say, for the rest of finals week, I smiled and waved to her, but didn’t speak. :smiley:

My manual is a bit different; I have the 89 titanium. What I mean is the manual does not state things in terms I can understand. The manual seems to be written for someone who has had much more math than I have; I’m taking college trig right now. It is hard to look things up if I don’t know the correct term.

I have had luck with Googling Ti-89 Titanium hints/tips. I have found some websites that explain how to use my calc in much simpler terms than the manual.

I am doing very well in my college math courses (I’m in trig now, easily getting an A) and I still can’t add in my head much at all. I don’t think it is because people are stupid; it is because we rely too much on technology. We may laugh at people like that girl in Taco Time, but I’m sure each of us rely on technology in other ways that would cause others to laugh at us if it failed.

Calculators rock! I hate adding/subrtracting stuff in my head!

Computers rule! I hate writing and mailing letters and paying my bills the old fashioned way!

Cars are the best! It beats walking the 20 miles to school in the 0 degree weather and 2 feet of snow!

Yeah-at a store where I bought 6 of the same item, and they were $1, I watched the clerk list 1 for $1, another for $1, and so forth, instead of 6 @ $1. She then laboriously drew a line, summed the zeroes…meanwhile I’ve said it’s $6 and 36 cents (6% tax). Dunno if she rode the short bus or had one speed-slow. :rolleyes:

Clearly, you have not read The Long Dark Tea-Time Of The Soul:

Adams himself seems to have got this from the now generally discredited concept of Miller’s Number.


This is very probably true, although I will not swear to it.

I will say, in my friend’s defense, that she never said how many hooks there were in her head, although there had to be more than seven, given how much we had to remember for tests. I do remember, specifically, that she was concerned that she would forget M’Naghten’s Rule. Don’t know why I remember that, or what hook it’s on, but there you go.

I got $7.34 in about 30 seconds - guess I miss a carry-over or something. Actually I cheated too - I added up the two $0.75 to obtain a nice, round number first. If you think that’s bad, this is what actually happened in a pen & paper RPG session 2 days before

Player: Okay, I rolled 17, my Strength is +4 and my Attack Bonus is +6, so I get 27. My weapon’s bonus is +1 so 27 plus 1 is…er…err…errr…uh…

That’s not the only case:

  • Once a player reads 6 plus 4 as 11

  • Attempting to add up a chain of numbers of eventually result in short circuit of the brain. And this is whole round numbers.

But calculators are needed for advanced mathematics. Do you prefer a log table, or a calculator?

You forgot the tax…

Ha! I was just going to start a thread on this the other day.

This is a phone conversation I had with a coworker the other day. Now keep in mind I’m driving down the road talking on my cell phone; she’s at work setting at her desk:

Me: “…ok, so that’s 1128 times 469 what does that add up to…”

Her: " Hold on let me pull up my calculator. ( she’s at her computer/ long pause) shit!!"

Me: “What?”

Her: “Some one deleted the calc.exe off my computer.”

Me: “Who the hell would do a thing like that?”

Her: "I DON’T KNOW! maybe it was…( blah, blah, blah… this goes on for a few minutes before we gat back to the topic at hand)

… well ok let me let you go. I got to get back to work…"

Me: “Hey wait! I need to know what the total on that was”

Her: “I can’t tell you! I don’t have my calculator…”

Me: “Umm, Do you not have a pen and paper handy?” :dubious:

Her: “Oh, right, um yeah,” (giggles)

I’ve experienced worse while in the US. I ordered four 6-packs of chicken and the girl at the register shouts back that she wants “18 … wait 20 something pieces” :rolleyes: