What the fuck? It’s like my house is populated by sentient petri dishes!
January 4 - bad bellyache quickly morphs into emergency surgery - all thanks to the bacteria that holed up in my appendix. This of course called for lots of IV and oral antibiotics.
Early-mid January - got a scrip for Diflucan to clear up the candidiasis I got from the antibiotics.
January 15 - just as I wrap up my Augmentin, my nursling gets an ear infection. Amoxicillin for her, resulting in thrush for both of us.
January 22 - I get the worst sinus infection in human history. Prednisone and more antibiotics for me.
January 15-26 - constant battle against nipple yeast, using topical treatments before and after each nursing session, only using towels once before washing, washing bras in scalding water, taking oral GSE, yada yada yada. It’s getting to be a real grind, but I only have a few more days of antibiotics, and then the end may be in sight.
January 27 - I’ve got candida downstairs as well as upstairs again. And my insurance doesn’t want to cover more Diflucan. Have I mentioned the OTC stuff doesn’t work well and I seem to be sensitive to it? Nothing like trading one burn for another!
Today - 6:00 a.m. Baby would not stop crying. Off to the doctor - ear infection still/again, 10 days of new antibiotics for her.
Yessiree, I can vouch that it is one of THE most painful conditions you could not hope to imagine or experience.
Kam…survivor of nipple-thrush on numerous occasions with two breastfeeding kids. Dunno how, or how the kids survived not being strangulated by me and my pain every time they latched on with their candida-infested little mouths.
It’s not that childbirth is a miracle…it’s a friggin miracle that little kids survive their first year wot with all the pain and suffering they inflict upon their 'rents.
Thank you all. Yep, we’re getting there. At least she’s not crying constantly now - she just acts like a fast-cycling bipolar baby. And I took my last antibiotic pill this morning, so hopefully things will continue to improve. And I’ve always got some gentian violet on hand if I decide to go for the nuclear purple option.
My knees just snapped shut at the very idea. As if normal babies weren’t difficult enough.
I’m glad to hear things are getting better. Thanks for the update.