Update: NO THEY DON’T.
So, I was driving home from Dairy Queen the other night having just purchased a delicious cookie dough Blizzard for SoulMate. We came to a four way stop, and ours was the only car in sight.
On the other side of the intersection, there was a group of three teenaged African-American girls (please refrain from twisting your knickers just yet - the racial distinction does become important). They were at the edge of the sidewalk near the opposite intersection, and, seeing me stopped, crossed. No problem yet.
They got halfway across the intersection, to the point that they were out of my line of travel. I waited a moment longer, and rolled onwards. They had not yet reached the other side of the street, but I was moving less than five miles per hour and they were easily four or five feet out of my path.
When I was level with them, one of their members wheeled around, leapt towards the car, slammed her palm on my window and screamed “Watch where the fuck you’re going, you white motherfucker!”
I wasn’t anywhere near hitting these girls, and even if I had been my velocity was such that no harm would have been done. Indeed, the only possible physical harm that could have come from the entire situation would have been from Dipshit the Magnificent flinging herself at the side of a vehicle.
I was instantly furious and wanted to stop the car and deliver unto them an Impressive Lecture detailing why what she had said was just flat-out wrong and racist, and that reverse racism is no less of a crime than direct racism (if, that is, you’re of the school of thought that the two are separable). But I didn’t. I didn’t say a thing, I didn’t flinch, I just drove on.
Because, for reasons I’d rather not get into, I was wearing a set of flashes. So, I pit myself for choosing an asinine time to wear Scottish regalia.
(As I type this, I am in a full uniform designed to look precisely like the dress uniform of General Henry Knox of the Continental Army. I do not go outside much.)