This kid must be high

Not that it’ll completely destroy his life or anything like that, but what kind of dumbass consents to let a major metropolitan newspaper quote you saying that you use illegal drugs, and seem to intend to keep using them? Used his full name and location too.

From THIS article:
Matt Muir, a 17-year-old high school senior from Michigan, objects to his mother’s recent purchase of home drug tests. Muir says his occasional marijuana use causes no problems in his life and that his mother shouldn’t worry. His grades are fine, he said. He’s already been accepted into three good universities and he’ll soon be living on his own. He doesn’t smoke every day and never before school, and he’s not turning to other “harder” drugs, he said.

At least don’t let them use your full name, dipshit.


Hah. Gotta love this line;

Yeah, up 'til now, moron - surely this is reasonable ground for a police search of their house? I think we’ve found a new poster child for the anti-drugs campaign.

Well, he is 17. 17 year olds have all the answers.

I’d love to know the 3 Universities he’s been accepted to, and if he actually attends any of them this fall. I’d ask if he pays his bills on time, but that’s seemingly a moot point in this case.

The best part? I bet dollars to donuts that if his mother wandered into this thread she’d vehemently defend him as a good kid. It would be expected, but also would show why the kid is so damn arrogant. What a dumbass.

Hmmmm. Not so sure about that.
But what I’m sure it is reasonable grounds for is that every time within the near future he tries to a job the boss man will say “we don’t hire potheads”.

The article was large, and started right on the front page too!

No, it isn’t. Marijuana use is a misdemeanor, and commission of a misdemeanor is not probable cause to suspect a felony, which would be required to obtain a search warrant.

Because we all know that no one who has ever smoked pot attends a major University , or pays their bills on time.

Granted, it’s not particularly wise to admit to committing a crime, albeit a minor one, in a public forum, but wisdom is not a common trait among 17 year olds, stoned or not. For example, at that age I thought joining the Navy was a good idea, and I had never smoked pot even once.

Yup, that’s exactly what I said. Or was it something along the lines of “I wonder which of the 3 he’ll attend”. As in I wonder which 3 he’s talking about and which will be accepting him this fall. You do know that there are more than 3 major Universities, right?

As far as the bills? He’s 17. I doubt he has a mortgage payment. Or an electric bill. Or a heating bill. Or health insurance deducted from his full-time job.
Put the bong down for a moment and let the adults speak. Here’s a Twinkie to occupy your time. :rolleyes:

It seems to me that your post clearly implied that someone who smokes dope (like this kid) would be unlikely to matriculate, and would be unlikely to pay bills on time.

I’m not sure how else to read your post, given the way it was worded, and the issues it was responding to.

And there we go, backpedaling away… :rolleyes:

If colleges started taking drug use in to account for their admissions, colleges would get a lot emptier.

Think about it- if for some reason someone associated with these colleges was reading the Milwaukee Journal and saw this…AND for some reason matched it up to one of the thousands and thousands of freshmen coming in during the fall, do you think they’d really bother to do all the steps (which would probably be a long process since he’s been officially accepted) to get him kicked out? Why bother? It’s hard enough to get my professors to recognize my name in their classes, much less from Milwaukee newspapers.

The police rarely bother to bust people even when they are caught with pot in person. Many of my friends have been told to flush their stash and scram. Why do you think our overburdened police departments would launch an investigation based on what some punk kid said? If they really wanted to throw all pot smokers in jail, they’d spend all their time making mass arrests at Phish concerts. But they don’t. Because they have real dangerous criminals to take care of.

Wow, I find it rather ironic that the people in this thread who want to automaticaly label this kid a dumb ass/never amount to anything; just because he smokes pot.

Like none of us have done anything stupid at 17. :rolleyes:

You could think of this guy as a “dumbass” or a “dipshit” or any number of other demeaning terms.

Or you could think of him as someone who’s honest and forthright and isn’t ashamed of himself.

What if he had been quoted in an article about homosexuality and had admitted to being gay (and allowed his real name to be used?) Would you still feel the same way about him, knowing that just as many potential employers might not want to hire him (yes, technically illegal discrimination, but still an unfortunate reality in the job market)?

Don’t start with the “but smoking pot is a crime!” either. Homosexual acts have also been criminalized in some states. And marijuana may well be de-criminalized in other states in the future. The laws are always subject to change.

I never said he would never amount to anything:

He’s STILL a dumbass.

They won’t. But…

Where is this happening? I made 3 pinches on it already this week and it’s only tuesday.

Well, I am speaking as someone who lived in Santa Cruz for six years. They had to send in the feds to make our cops enforce those laws.

He’s a minor living under his parents roof. They don’t want him using illegal drugs, he seems to imply that he’s going to anyway. He has total disrespect for their rules/standards in their own home.

You find an honorable quality in that?

This is a subject that has puzzled me for quite some time. Why is it illegal to consume these drugs? The only person being harmed (and I use that term loosely) is yourself. I can understand if the effects of the drug cause you to have diminished driving capabilities, but then the offence should be just that, DUI. Moral or health issues aside, why is it a legal problem, punishable by incarceration, to sniff a line at home and watch TV?

If you wanted to draw pictures Batman in your room at night, and your mother forbid you from doing so, would you listen to her or would you draw the pictures?

You’d probably draw the pictures.

What if Batman were illegal?

You’d probably still draw the pictures.

Being that you are in law enforcement, we are simply not going to see eye to eye on this issue. Make no mistake, I respect police officers for keeping order and making our society safe. But someone who in good conscience would put a man in jail for possessing a plant is going to be very biased when it comes this issue.

I don’t neccessarily find it honorable that he’s disobeying his parents - but I do think that parents are not always right. If my son was smoking pot and it was causing him to be a lousy student and a lazy, unmotivated boy, I’d make sure to put an end to it. If he were a fine and upstanding young man, I wouldn’t give a damn whether he chose to use a plant to temporarily enter a different mode of thought.

What is honorable is that he’s not afraid of the unfair, ridiculous laws that punish people for using a plant. He doesn’t feel the need to be afraid to use his real name or to make public the fact that he smokes marijuana. If people were not so afraid to admit their marijuana use, maybe this plant would finally be decriminalized and our government could free up a little prison space and take those billions of drug-war dollars and do something useful.

Come to one of the Tough Love meetings I help co-ordinate and I’ll show you that it most certainly does harm more than the user.

Fair enough, pkbites, but may I ask how you view the consumption of alcohol?

Marijuana does? Bullshit. It might put a serious hurt on a bag of Cheetos, but that’s about it.

Maybe I could see it if you’re talking about the reprecussions stemming from cops like you arresting someone for having pot, even though it’s a far less harmful drug than say…alcohol or tobacco.

Oh wait, those are legal.

Harder drugs I won’t argue the point, because those are a completely different discussion in my opinion.

Since he is a minor, it’s not like he has much choice as to whether to live under his parents roof or not.

I did lots of illegal drugs at 17. I would respect my parents rules in their own home by not doing said drugs in their house. But those rules didn’t extend to my behavior outside of the house. And yes, I was caught eventually, but that didn’t change my intention to continue using them either. (what eventually did change my behavior was my own realization that I didn’t want to continue paying the price the drug use was costing me)