this may seem far fetched, but...

I heard about a tropical island third hand. I want to find it or one like it and maybe someone here can point me in the right direction. I was told that this other guy who had spent three months there said that you could rent a grass hut on the beach for around $3 a night and a steak at a “restaurant” cost about a dollar. He said that there are quite a few Americans there and they just party all night. I know it sounds like some urban legend, and that my be, but if it exists I want to find it.

Any help would be appreciated and ridicule is expected:D


You shouldn’t have to pay $3/night for a grass hut. For $3.00 you should have a tin roof or a concrete floor and a water suppy (not necessarily running water).

There are lots of places similar to what your friend described but most are probably not on islands but on the coasts of tropical 3rd world countries.

However, I don’t think the specific place your friend mentions exists for two reasons: first, at places like that the Americans are usually an minority (unless, perhaps, you are talking about Mexico) and second, because there are very few tropical islands that produce such inexpensive beef (and imported beef would almost certainly cost more that the equivalent of $1.00/steak; cheap seafood is more likely but even the $1.00 lobster meals seem to have gotten extremely hard to find in the last 10 to 20 years).

If you want to find out about such places, I suggest reading through Lonely Planet books then following up with research on their website.

How about putting something in your thread title so your fellow dopers can have an idea what it’s about before they waste time on something that doesn’t interest them in these days of slow SDMB server? thanks mucho!

obviously posted by somebody who has never travelled outside the four walls of their home country (99% chance you are from the US). i bet you haven’t even got a passport.

btw, it doesn’t cost that much to travel to the other 190 indepedent states in the world. other than the inital cost of the air fare, i am sure that there are at least another 100 countries in the world that you can find places to which you refer.

just try and research questions before asking them.

Well, you know, I saw the “steak for a dollar on a tropical isle” thingie and I went, “Oh, come on”, because everybody knows that all American-type food supplies, such as steak, for every tropical island you can think of have to be brought in, either by air or by sea. (We’re obviously not talking about Hawaii here, so don’t nitpick.) This means that American-type food supplies, such as steak, on tropical islands are fairly expensive. Steak for a dollar? “I don’t think so,” I said to myself. " :rolleyes: "

But then I started cruising around on Google, looking up steak prices on tropical isles, and you know what? There might actually be a place you could get a steak for a dollar at an [air quotes] “restaurant”, probably a fast-food shack serving something like a minute steak, like for a steak sandwich.

I reckoned without the New Zealand cattle industry, who seem to be doing a booming business shipping frozen beef to Polynesia.

Steak at the Club in Samoa. $10.25 for a ribeye, which isn’t bad.

Tahiti, steak with fries, 800 cfp (French Pacific franc or XPF, each of which is less than a penny, so about $8.00) That’s not bad, either, and Tahiti is supposed to have the highest food prices in Polynesia.

So, huh.

And you can get a grass hut for $20 a day, all meals included, in Samoa.

You could probably find just a “no frills” hut somewhere for three bucks.

All in all, I’m betting that your friend is talking about American Samoa.

Lonely Planet guide to Samoa.

Send me a postcard… :smiley:

yeah, you guys are right about some things. I’ve never been out of the U.S. All I was looking for here was a place where I could start searching for info because I was at a loss. I apologize if my question annoyed you bmerton. I don’t know the first thing about international travel as I’m probably half your age and nobody I know ever leaves the U.S. either. Gotta start somewhere. Duck Duck Goose thanks for the information. Exactly what I was looking for.

With steak for a dollar & a grass hut for two more than that, I don’t think they can afford an airport.

Are you in the US? Well, just visit your supermarket, near the clerk are these small cards you can buy to feed people. like $5.00 feeds a family for a week. Ask the clerk where they shop so they can afford to feed a family for a week for $5 then vacation there. :slight_smile: