This new site is great

I intended to simply quit on this for the day but I don’t want to ignore people trying to help me out! The fact that I can play around with the WYSIWYG editor and not actually post was especially helpful, Roo.

Assuming this works, I was creating the problem by typing new text immediately after the close quote tag, instead of on a new line. So that is a habit of mine in vBulletin that I’ll need to change if I start ramping up my SDMB presence. Thanks!

Its never been faster for me, ever.
I use a simple Chromebook with Wifi and the old site was horrid.

Here’s my chance to test the quote function. Seems to work. Just wanted to say that for me, so far, the board seems to run considerably faster that the old one ever did. I’m not in love with the page layout and navigation, but I’m sure I’ll be able to live with it.

The [quote] and [/quote] tags have to go on lines by themselves.

Yay! It worked! Glad you figured it out. Hopefully, this will help someone else who does the same.

lol I just got a scolding from the board for replying to you too many times (3). If it does that for everyone who responds back and forth, this could be interesting!

Apparently it’s a thin line between scold-worthy posting behavior and badge-worthy posting behavior.

Isn’t that always the way. sigh.

If the site is slow, make sure your browser is up to date and still supported.

Same here. The old site was one of the worst websites I’ve ever used. Slow, would drop connection constantly, at times couldn’t highlight text to quote it because, I guess there were memory leaks? This is MUCH better.

Testing quote

This site is fast for me too. Faster than the old one, for sure.

Not always a viable option…

And unfortunately, Discourse doesn’t have much in the way of legacy support. It expects its users to have the newest and latest.

No more double lines between paragraphs when using Firefox.

I don’t have to preview and then go back and delete the extra lines, or forget and make my posts appear unnecessarily longer than their already unnecessarily long length.

Legacy operating system?

How far back are we talking? Supporting software or hardware from 5 to 10 years ago is one thing. But just because you could run the Dope in 1999 doesn’t mean you should be able to run it today, and it definitely doesn’t mean the rest of us should he stuck using ancient software forever. At some point, it gets ridiculous.

Last year in many cases.

Can you be more specific? I have not updated my browser in longer than a year but have had no issues.

Also, I’ll note that I originally stopped using Mozilla many moons ago specifically because it suddenly stopped working with the SDMB and I had to go to Chrome. So its not like this is a new issue.

About a year ago, Discourse began displaying only blank pages for any version of Chrome less than a few months old.

I was notified that I got a “Trust Level Promotion”, whatever the hell that is. And when will I receive the epaulettes?