This new site sucks!

This new site sucks!

New site up and running!

Good God. What have you monsters done?


This is pretty unusable. I went to what purported to be new posts and got a post from January. Well, I guess it was new once. Maybe this will work someday? So far I think I will be wasting a lot less time on SDMB for the next little while.

Amen brother.

I realize there is some newness to get over but…this really sucks.

Hopefully there is some refinement coming.

So we’re finally here! Huh

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I like dark mode but the navigation is a nightmare. And Im not to crazy about posts having to be 20 characters.

Welcome to the other side. We’ve been waiting for you.

I agree but I expect that will get sorted.

Certainly the SDMB has been cool with a post that says no more than, “What?”

Just got chipped. “They” said the swelling would go down in the next 24-48 months.

Isn’t that a long time to wait for the swelling to go down? On the OTHER hand, the chip guarantees me seamless entrance into all fora.

So I’ve got that going for me. Which is nice.

Also, goats.

it’s alive! works for me.

Aww, and that’s just what was needed to make it feel like home :slight_smile:

Is there a newest post first feature?

Oh dear, it’s very…different. I’m scared.

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None of the block quotes are showing up at block quotes. Don’t know if it’s just because I was used to the old look, but this seems harder to read and use. Doesn’t seem particularly “modern.”

Looks like its new posts first but they start at the bottom of the page.

This is awful. The organization (layout) is horrendous. I’ll be the first to say this too: infinite scroll sucks ass and is likely a deal-breaker.

Agreed; if we could get pages for long threads (i.e., 50 posts per page, or whatever), it would help a great deal.

Horrendous is being kind to this train wreck.

No, I don’t want to Enable Notifications. So can the nag banner stop following me around please?