It’s time for Falcon, our intrepid sharp-eyed honey, to make her 2000th post! Here’s hoping she’ll make it here, and join the party in her honor!! I have so much enjoyed all of your posts,<at least all of the ones I’ve been able to find, that is! :p>
Come one, come all. Flight suits are optional, as are clothes.
Cinnamon oil over here, imported of course. Hot tubs there----> and the pudding tubs are over there in that corner----->
Food and drinks on that table. Help yourself.
Anything else we need, dear?
Well I shant join in Falc and others. Mrs. Trkr would not like it and all, but I will be more than happy to watch (I mean be an impartial judge if need be).
Falc, nice tan. * What’s that dear? No, I am not watching Falcon playing Naked twister. I am just offering my services as a judge in case there are any rules disputes. *
Congratulations, Falcon. At the rate I’m going, I probably won’t hit 1000 before next June or later. Oh well, no biggie. I guess I shall join in on the naked twister. ::removes shirt, then skirt::
Cinnamon oil, Twister <begins limbering up immediately, already nude>, naked people–you people know how to throw a party! Relax and have some of my homebrew, Chief, I’ll take care of everything while you’re indisposed.
Congratulations, Falcon, I knew you had it in you–waitaminute, that didn’t quite come out right…