This week's "Weird Earls" is part of an AD CAMPAIGN

That’s right… is part of an advertising effort by the Fallon ad agency. They’ve created a few web sites to introduce web surfers to characters that will debut in new “Buddy Lee” commercials this fall. and are the other sites.

Here’s a link to the story:,,12_435791,00.html

My 5 year-old nephew looks EXACTLY like ‘Buddy Lee’.

Can anyone figure out what their angle is? How do they think they’re selling jeans by showing a guy in a big fur coat talking bout destroying stuff (or for that matter a skinny DJ in a sweatsuit)?

This Mahir thing is so totally out of control! I can’t believe it got this big.
Totally cracks me up.

I saw the rubber-buddy commercial last night on the tele. I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing as I had no advance warning of the ad campaign.

So now the rules of the universe say you can create a crappy website, paste a few really bad pictures, and get a contract for a thirty second spot. I’m scratching my head on this one.

I’m too sexy for a sig. (Satan made me do it)
Days since Satan recognized my existance: 126
My lame website:

You’re missing the point, Fred. The sites were created by the ad agency, not these people.

ooooh, i’m an eeeediot.

i guess my post count says it all. ::slinking, slinking::

I’m too sexy for a sig. (Satan made me do it.)
Days since Satan recognized my existance: 126
My lame website: