This winter sucks and it won't quit

It snowed again this morning. Snow and freezing rain. My car was frozen shut, and the drive here was brutal. AARGH!

My Michigan friends have been calling it Snowlonoscopy 2011.

I live just north of Washington state, on the coast and the last few decades, especially years have seen a steady and significant increase in snow.

I’ve hade plenty experience of shovelling lake effect snow in southern Ontario before I moved out west, not too far from where you are so I know the pain .

That is why I recommend you get a sleigh shovel. I got one two years ago. All you do is push to scoop a fairly huge amount of snow, and slightly tip in order to sled your scoop to the side. Jerk back and your scoop is released. Its amazingly fast, and makes the job real easy. The down side is that while your sidewalks and drive look great, the sides look somewhat messy compared to the nice borders you can get with a regular shovel.

yesterday morning it was 45 degrees and sunny. This morning, we have just about two feet of new snow, all fallen since 5:00 yesterday afternoon. We’ve long since run out of anyplace to put the stuff. Our plow guy has done an incredible job, but the piles are just too big - we can’t pile up any more.

And we have another major dump predicted for Thursday.

We got 4 inches of fucking snow Sunday morning. We had ice and slippery conditions for the morning drive twice this week. We need a break.
The continuing snow, never going away reminds me of the mess I have ahead. Two beagles dumping in the yard all winter long. When the snow goes away, the dog poop awaits.
Two years ago it was 67 degrees.

Windchill -37C. Le sigh. I’m looking forward to Tokyo, where it should be around 10C. Downright lovely!

I refused to let the winter gods fuck me over this morning, I went to Timmy Ho’s and bought an iced capp.

Four inches, Gonzo? Pft. That’s TWENTY inches less than we got in the same time period.

Not that it’s a contest, but we have gotten snow every month of the year here. It doesn’t stay long in August, though.

I see your iced capp and raise you the blizzards we had at Dairy Queen yesterday. :smiley:

Now, snow in July and August? Wouldn’t sound so bad when it gets to be 98 degrees and high humidity. (There’s no pleasing me, I complain about weather like a broken record, but this year has been the absolute worst.)

The real question is it going to be a hot victoria day weekend, or a cold one.



Well, we’re supposed to get above zero this week (that’s about 30F for the metrically-challenged). I’m a little afraid that the cold air won’t budge, as it has a tendency to do.

That’s one of the reasons I moved from Michigan.

The post before this one was spam, but it’s gone now.

I grew up outside of Detroit, I know how that goes.

So Sunday was warm. Monday it snowed and freezing rain. Monday afternoon it went up to 31 degrees and sort of melted. Monday night it was 9 degrees. Today it is again 32 degrees.

The weather’s fucking bipolar and I don’t know how to dress for it anymore. Stores up here in the NE crank their heat up so high after 2-3 errands I am dying in my heavy winter coat. Blah.

Two years ago it was 67 degrees. This winter shit is supposed to be over. Now as it warms barely over the thawing point, streets are flooding. At night it gets cold and then freezing streets await you.

I just went to take my dogs for a walk around the block, but we got about a third of the way around and came home. So two-thirds of a walk. Too fucking cold.

You live by the arctic circle, what do you expect?