Obamacare tripled my health insurance premiums; I am not happy about that. From 2002 to 2010, my premiums went from a little over $100 a month to about $150 per month. Now I am paying over $400 monthly and since I have no chronic conditions, this really hurts. I realise that I’m supposedly getting more coverage, but that doesn’t apply to me because I am healthy and also not eligible for rebates. I’m a two-time Obama voter but I am not very thrilled with the outcome for me personally.
Being healthy and living the retired life on a tropical island. I am one of those who always said that by the time I get there there won’t be any more social security, but now I appreciate that I was forced to pay into it for those 46 years. Couldn’t be more content and Thankful than being here in the Dominican Republic at 68 years old 10 years after triple bypass surgery living with a beautiful 44 years old gal, her daughter and grandson of 15 months.
75% of my response was non-whining, though. If TPTB get enough complaints to remove the whiney bits, that’s cool. Note that there are no board rules I am aware of that mandate happy positive posts must be responded to in kind and likewise negative or whiney posts.
I haven’t been a psych in-patient in nearly 3 years.
I have a wonderful psychiatrist.
I have a dog that reminds me it’s ok to love.
Nobody on SDMB has complained that I need to smarten up a bit before posting.
My daughters. Oh man, especially the 25 year old. They both keep me going, but my oldest is fighting the same battles as I am and still manages to get up and go to work every day without fail. And my little one is so helpful and kind.
And I have a great roommate. He’s become one of my best friends over the past year and a half and it’s awesome to finally have a friend I can trust.
But today I am most grateful for whoever invented dishwashers. I owe them a pie or two for making my life so much easier. How I went over forty years without I will never know!
Yes, this! I’ll still have issues I will have to deal with for the rest of my life, but for now it’s all good and considering what could have happened, I feel like I won the lottery this year.
Also, my wonderful dog is getting older and I recently had him in to the vet for what turned out to be a minor problem. The vet says he looks fantastic, and since he’s a cancer survivor, that’s extra great news.
I feel grateful for so much. My daughter is healthy, happy and loved. She has brought so much joy into our house this year. My husband is healthy, he’s good to me, and I love him. My job is gold. It’s a good organization, it’s good work, there is lots of opportunity and it challenges me in the right ways.
It’s been a very charmed year, and I am grateful for the joy, happiness and comfort I’ve had.
Getting fired. I didn’t realize how much I hated my job until I lost it. It was like this giant weight off my shoulders. I wouldn’t quit but since I was shown the door -------- I started a new job to break back into the workplace and haven’t felt this happy or well in 5 years or more. I like me better, the Old Wench likes me better and my Doctor likes me better. I call that a home run.
I’m so sorry, Miller.
As for me, after losing our home due to my husband’s illness, we’re doing okay. Near family to help me cope, found a nurturing church home, lots of rewarding volunteer work and are also making new friends. I even started a much-loved hobby, so we are very blessed. Now just as soon as we have him a new liver, life will be perfect.
Grateful I finally managed to give up trying to do stuff that always made me feel bad about myself and the world, and decided to focus on things that made me feel the opposite. What a difference!
Grateful my noble dog hasn’t bitten anybody this year (I guess there’s still time).
Grateful to finally find some self-acceptance about my limited physical energy.
I suppose if I have to be pinned down, I’ll add: I’m grateful to feel like I’m crawling back out of a dark shell after the unrelenting hell of the last couple years. The world has color again, things fucking matter again, I care if I’m alive or dead and feel like it might be worth the effort to stick around after all.
Gratitude honorable mention goes to me not fucking up my employment during that time and apparently impressing a few people here and there along the way. How either of those happened I’ll never know.