Thomas Jefferson question

In the movie “Swordfish” John Travolta’s character makes the claim that “Thomas Jefferson once shot a man on the White House Lawn for treason.” Anyone ever heard of this before or can provide specifics about the alleged incident? I’d never heard of this before and was wondering what the real story is

The real story is, it never happened. Nothing similar ever happened. And we shouldn’t look to stupid action movies to get valid history lessons.

I didn’t say it did happen…I had never heard of it either, I was just wondering. That doesn’t mean I’m looking to action movies for valid history lessons. It means I heard something that sounded odd to me and was wondering if there was any truth to it.

The only vaguely comparable incident in real life occurred when Jefferson ordered the prosecution of former vice president Aaron Burr for treason, in connection with Burr’s organization of an armada on the Western frontier. Jefferson publicly averred his belief in Burr’s guilt before and during trial, which was rather inappropriate for a chief executive. Burr was nonetheless acquitted and lived to a ripe old age.

A far cry, indeed, from shooting a man on the White House lawn.

Just for snoring!

This was asked many times last year.