So there’s this old guy, who is usually referred to as 'the crazy old guy", who lives near me. He once told me that a long time ago there used to be a very large (in physical stature) tribe of Native Americans who roamed the Ohio Valley Area. He even went on to say that archaeologists had dug up the remains of one of these “Giants” near our city (which is Newark, Ohio). All evidence of this giant tribe, according to the crazy old guy, has been hidden from the public because the tribe was completely erased by early American settlers who thought theses large humans were evil.
Anyway,…I just happened to google this today and found a ton of information on what seemed to be, at least for the most part, …shall I say…not-totally-quack-sites that say several burial grounds in the late 1800’s were uncovered and held 'Giants". The problem is, it seems that there is no physical evidence in existence today. Or is there?
My question: is there physical evidence of the existence of what some may call “Giants”?
I’m wondering if the source of some of the man’s “giant stories” might be the Cardiff Giant (a hoax originating in New York, not Ohio, but these stories have a way of getting twisted, so who knows):
The Cardiff Giant connection occured to me as well.
Yet another contributor to the legend may be what is known as The Southern Cult. This was a Native American religious movement which left behind many interesting artifacts, generally in the form of axes and other objects which were made too large and heavy to be of practical use. IIRC, this movement is associated primarily with the Southeast, but who knows?
There is also a famous pair of footprints embedded in stone which were found on the bank of the Mississippi at St. Louis and which, the last I heard, were on display in Indiana. They appeared to be of a giant-size human; early settlers attributed them to an angel. Anomalous finds of this sort may have triggered associations with the Scriptural passage about how there were “giants in the earth”; in the same way, I have read, people in Spain and Portugal used to misidentify mammoth skulls as belong to deformed one-eyed giants, thinking the air passage for the trunk was the socket of a single huge eye.
> All evidence of this giant tribe, according to the crazy old guy,
> has been hidden from the public because the tribe was
> completely erased by early American settlers who thought
> theses large humans were evil.
All the evidence was erased - except for some websites that everybody in the world can read. Yes, that’s a really thorough job of erasing evidence.