Those Five Finger Shoe kind of things: Love'em or Hate'em?

I have the sprints, and I love them even though they’re ugly. It took a bit to get used to them, but now regular tennis shoes are quite uncomfortable.

So, so, so, so true! My SO gets asked about his all the time. Everywhere he goes. Fortunately, he loves to talk to strangers about his shoes, so he’s good about it.

I neither love them or hate them.

I personally couldn’t wear them because I need cushion for my heels. If they suit other folks, more power to 'em. :slight_smile:

To me, they look geeky in a cool way.

I watched their sizing video but all the talk about is the length of your foot. They never mention the width. I have wide feet and I have no idea if their shoes would fit me. But I’m curious.

I’ve been thinking of getting a pair of these for my canoe trip comming up.

You left “I think they’re hilarious” off of the poll. I’ve never noticed a pair without giggling, at least inside. I think it’s nice of people to entertain me like that.

When I lived on the ocean and was in and out of my boat, on barnacle-laden rocks, slippery docks and uncertain sea floor I would have loved these!

Now I live in the rockies and they work just fine in the pine duff and backyard! But then I’ve only had them on for 3 hours. :slight_smile:

I’m sure they’re comfortable and all, but I think they are the ugliest shoes I’ve ever seen. And I don’t do any hiking or running, so I’ll pass. (I prefer swimming, or bike-riding)
Seriously, I think they’re absolutely hideous looking. And I don’t like going barefoot, anyways. Even in the house, I’m usually wearing slippers.

They look ridiculous. I wear the Vivobarefoot Evo II, which has the same benefits only without the toe separation and love them (and I’m not a runner or hiker or anything).

My running partner started running barefoot last year – running in regular running shoes caused her significant knee pain, but barefoot, she has no knee pain at all, due to the different stride. She has a pair of VFFs which she uses for running in cold weather, though she prefers going completely barefoot. They’re funny-looking, but I’m very curious as to how it’d feel to run in a pair.

I absolutely LOVE mine. Fair warning when hiking in them, however–they provide little to no traction, so hiking on slippery terrain can lead to falls/injuries, as my right wrist can attest when I was hiking a riverbed (I never did learn how to fall without trying to stop myself with my hands…). They are great for canoeing/kayaking though.

I’d love to wear a pair, but my second and third toes are webbed and I don’t think they make custom ones.

Would they be more or less likely to breed fungus (athlete’s foot)?

  • How stiff are the toe soles, ie, wouldn’t independent toes cause more toe injuries?

  • I have proportionally very long toes.

  • I guess people need to take their socks off to try these on?

There’s not really a poll option I could choose. I think they are hideously ugly, but they are very comfortable, help keep my feet healthy and pain-free (I’m another ‘barefoot’ devotee), and are the best shoes ever for clambering over slippery rocks in creek beds (which I do a lot). I wear mine all the time.

There wasn’t a choice for “meh, don’t care” I don’t love or hate them. I saw a guy wearing them for the first time and as you say it looked weird, but I just don’t care. Beside this is San Francisco, I’ve seen a lot of people doing & wearing weird stuff.
And no I won’t wear them.

I have a pair I wear running mostly. They are super comfy, but even I admit they are not pretty.

A buddy of mine was rocking a pair the last time I was in Thailand. He looked fucking ridiculous. He has the same size feet as me and gave me a tryout. I walked a couple of miles in them. They felt weird but not unpleasant, but the softness of the sole didn’t help when walking over rocks in the path and so on.

So I’m not totally averse to how they feel, but the sheer embarrassing factor would preclude me from wearing a pair - and I say that as one who occasionally wears Crocs in public.

Love love love them.

I just bought (actually, a friend of mine just bought me) my first pair about a month ago, right before we were going to go camping for 10 days outside of Santa Fe. I was…skeptical. He has two pairs and rarely wears anything else, and raves about them. I thought “fad.”

They are the most comfortable shoes I’ve ever worn.

I don’t run, but I do spend an enormous percentage of my time barefoot, so I did spend those 10 days camping wearing nothing but the Komodo Sport and I never felt a moment of discomfort. It was like being able to hike around barefoot, but without worrying about cutting the bottoms of my feet on rocks or pinecones or trail detritus. I understand that a lot of people suffer a couple of days of pain when they start wearing them, because of the differences in the gait that 's required, but I didn’t (because I’m almost always barefoot anyway).

The style I linked to has a more rugged tread than the original basic style. My friend, who has both a rugged tread style and an original style, says the original tread is so thin that he can still feel grass blades on his feet when walking though a field, but again, he doesn’t have to be hyper-aware of hurting his feet when he walks around.

I’m getting this pair next, just for the “MY FEET LET ME SHOW YOU THEM” factor.

I could deal with them in appropriate circumstances (hiking, canoeing, the yard, whatever) but I have one student (college-level lecture) who wears them every day and sits in the front row so they immediately confront me and in that context they give me the god damned shivers.