Those @#%! impossible-to-remove stickers on nicer crystal

Last night we had the pleasure of having dinner at our newly married friend’s house and they used their nicer crystal glasses for the occasion. As with our own crystal that is now almost five years old, they had made a feable attempt to remove the stickers on the sides of the glasses that advertise the brand of the crystal, but like use, no amount of washing, scraping, and scrubbing can get the damn things off.

In fact, just like ours, they managed to get only about HALF of the sticker off, making the otherwise nice glasses a) look like shit and b) feel very strange on your lip if you happened to drink from the side of where the sticker had been.

This lead us to wonder, why the hell do they put stickers like this on the nicer crystal? Everyone I know who has this stuff from their wedding has some remnant of the sticker still stuck to their glasses. No dishwasher on the planet can remove them, and even scrubbing and WD-40 doesn’t get them off. Also, how the hell DO you get the sticky crap off these glasses without ruining the glass itself?

Did you try Goo Gone or Icky Sticky Stuff Remover or any similar stickiness remover with a citrus base?

Acetone would probably work.


Try soaking your glassware thoroughly in water. That should do the trick.

Well, my ma whipped out the nicer crystal last week when my brother and i were home for our spring visit.

she still had the stickers on albeit with these glasses it was on the base. her reason for keeping them was so she could later expand her set and buy the same brand and type of crystal. the other reason was it was a damn expensive brand and i think she wanted to show it off.


"Goof Off’ (see paint stores)

acetone (as mentioned)

naptha (last resort)

vinegar usually will do the trick

Spray and Wash. Works like a charm at removing all sorts of sticky residues off of glass, including the remnants of old parking stickers and registration tags from the inside of your car’s windshield.