Those nutty Okies

On the one hand, it looks like a lot of fun, but teaching the little girl how to shoot that thing is kind of creepy.
This thread may be moved into GD or the Pit if it becomes necessary.

Just some good clean fun for the kiddies. A real-life arcade game.

I wanna do that! I haven’t had any full rock and roll trigger time since basic training.

Just guessing, since I didn’t count, but I suspect that shot up maybe $5000 worth of ammo, minimum. Wonder if they got a discount.

I bet you could fry an egg on the little girl’s gun!

Reminds me of a Sunday when I was a teenager when we made a “rail job” out of a perfectly good car – with axes and sledge hammers. Not a pretty sight but a whole heap of fun.

I can just imagine someone looking for their car later.

I parked in the back so we would have to deal with traffic at the front gate.

So, you were there? Looks like they only videoed five minutes of what looked like a whole afternoon – into the evening – of shock and awe.

Was there an estimate of how many rounds were fired that day?

Moving thread from IMHO to MPSIMS.

No I wasn’t there.
But they were cutting loose on those cans.
I found the video on Google Video.

The cans! Stay away from the cans! Somebody hates these cans!